This topic contains 6 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by SererraMike 6 years ago.

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  • #22524 Score: 0

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    I have a need to check specific transactions in a saved search. I have a saved search setup to give me the results I want, but I'm looking for an easy way to narrow the results to a list of specific sales orders, and I want to do this quickly and easily. Going into the criteria, and setting the transaction number to "any of" and searching for each order isn't a great option for me.

    I'd like to use the "Transaction Number (text)" or a similar free text field as a filter, but I want to be able to paste a list of SOs in there, with some sort of delimiter. Can anyone think of a way to do this? Obviously the "Transaction Number (text)" field won't work as a filter, as it'll only look for one order at a time. I'm not sure if there's a way to structure a formula criteria that would allow me to paste these in, or really any way that I'm not thinking of.

    Thanks in Advance,

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  • #22525 Score: 0

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    I have a saved search setup being used as a search form on a dashboard that uses text field filters to enter groups of SO numbers where I either enter just a single number or if I need to search more than one I use the OR separator. So I can enter "S1234 OR S1111 OR S0001" and get all 3 results display in my search results.

    Might be what you are after. The separator needs to be all caps to work. Generally the other text entered is not case sensitive.

  • #22526 Score: 0

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    That looks great. Is it the "transaction numner (text)" field that you're using as the filter, or something different? I can't seem to make it work with that filter setup. Could you share your criteria and filter setup?

  • #22527 Score: 0

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    I've also tried "Document Number/ID"

    My Current Search is basic and as follows:


    Main Line = true

    Type = Sales Order



    Document Number



    Document Number/ID

    I've tried as you described, entering in the filter SO123 OR SO321. I've also tried enclosing the whole thing in quotes, single brackets, enclosing each SO# separately, but nothing seems to work. I've also tried changing the "default text field editor" value, but with no luck. Could you let me know how your setup differs?



  • #22528 Score: 0

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    One way is to use a Formula (Numeric) with a case statement. Depending on the field type you might need quotes around each value. In addition there is a limit to how large the formula can be so you might need to break it into multiple formula joined with OR after checking [X] USE EXPRESSIONS.

    For sales orders by the number the user sees use Document Number.

  • #22529 Score: 0

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    Mike, Sorry for replying late, we look to be in different timezones, eh…. "Document Number/ID" is what works for me.

    My search is trying to specifically identify and show orders or invoices with balances either of a certain value or find if a customer name or reference number has a balance open and what it is, so I have a messy set of Criteria and I'm coming from a Customer Search instead of a Transaction Search, so if you just jump past that and ignore my overly complicated setup I'll lay out the search here:

    Saved Customer Search-

    Criteria [using Expressions = T]

    ( Consolidated Balance 'is not' 0.00 OR

    Consolidated Unbilled Orders 'is not' 0.00 OR

    Consolidated Balance 'is less than' 0.00 ) AND

    Sub of 'is' none AND

    Transaction: Type 'is any of' Invoice, Sales Order AND

    Transaction: Main Line 'is' True


    Name [grouped]

    Transaction: Date [max]

    Transaction: Document Number [max] (when ordered by Transaction: Date)

    Consolidated Balance [max]

    Consolidated Unbilled Orders [max]

    Here's the important part for you:



    Transaction: Document Number/ID

    Transaction: Amount

  • #22530 Score: 0

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    Hi Guys,

    Thanks I made it work. It seems that despite what I said, I hadn't used the filter type "Has Keywords" with the "Document/ID" Filter. When I made it a search form instead of just a search, I was able to see the Filter Type would automatically change to "Has Keywords" when I entered a string with a OR in it. I went back to my search and changed the "Filter Type" to "Has Keywords" and now it works both as a search form and on the search page.

    Thanks for your help, this is a big win for me.


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