This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by gourisankar 5 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #21944 Score: 0
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    • Level 1

    Hello everyone,

    I want a script that when an item receipt comes from a third system to netsuite to basically go in every line of the items that are there and enable the calculate est. landed costs checkbox. Basically what I do from the UI.

    I have created a BS event, iterate all lines and tried change values to the following 'landedcostset', 'tracklandedcost' but whatever changes I make here its like another script reverts those.

    I also tried to get value of 'custcol_scm_lc_autocalc' which I found from saved search but this returns null.

    Has anyone approached this differently or can explain me how landed costs are calculated before saved?
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  • #21945 Score: 0

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    Hi ,

    Got this code from help center. Thought it would help

    / Creating a landed cost subrecord

    var purchaseOrder = nlapiCreateRecord('purchaseorder');

    purchaseOrder.setFieldText('entity', 'Acme Medical Supply');

    purchaseOrder.setLineItemValue('item', 'item', 1, inventoryItemId);

    var purchaseOrderId = nlapiSubmitRecord(purchaseOrder);

    var itemReceipt = nlapiTransformRecord('purchaseorder', purchaseOrderId, 'itemreceipt');

    itemReceipt.selectLineItem('item', 1);

    itemReceipt.setCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'location', 1);

    itemReceipt.setFieldValue('landedcostperline', 'T');

    var landedCost = itemReceipt.createCurrentLineItemSubrecord('item', 'landedcost');


    landedCost.setCurrentLineItemValue('landedcostdata ', 'costcategory', 1);

    landedCost.setCurrentLineItemValue('landedcostdata ', 'amount', 456);



    landedCost.setCurrentLineItemValue('landedcostdata ', 'costcategory', 3);

    landedCost.setCurrentLineItemValue('landedcostdata ', 'amount', 78.96);




    var itemReceiptId = nlapiSubmitRecord(itemReceipt);

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