This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by ktarog 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #9900


    Hey guys

    I want to add a condition to a workflow to throw a warning message on screen if the user enters a phone number into customer record phone field that’s got a non numerical character in it.

    How can I do this, I’ve tried the following and none work

    replace(translate(({phone}),”’WNZabcdefghijklmnop qrstuvwxyz:=[]$ยฃ()_-+/ ‘,’ ‘),’ ‘,”)

    Phone contains ‘||:||=||[||]||ยฃ||(||)||_||-||+||/||W||N||Z||a||b||c||d||e||f||g||h||i||j||k||l||m|| n||o||p||q||r||s||t||u||v||w||x||y||z

    IF {phone} LIKE ‘%[^0-9]%’


    LENGTH(TRIM(TRANSLATE({phone}, ‘ +-.0123456789’, ‘ ‘))) != ”
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  • #9901



    You can use regular expressions. On my particular example, I have used regexp_instr which returns any 1st occurrence of a matching character or string based on my regex.

    This formula worked for me : REGEXP_INSTR(TO_CHAR({phonefield}),'[A-Za-z!@#$%^&*;:]’) > 0

    ***My sample regex will match any letter with special characters !@#$%^&*;:

    Note: This function returns the integer position of the string. If no match is found, this will return zero.

    Hope this helps.

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