This topic contains 0 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by KGosnell 9 years ago.
November 9, 2015 at 3:07 pm #9722
I have a User Event Script that creates a button on a Sales Order to create a Purchase Order Acknowledgement. (Create PO Ack)
When the button is clicked it executes a Suitelet that runs a routine to create a CSV file.
I have a Workflow Action Script that checks availability of items on an incoming purchase order to fulfill or kill an order based on availability.
I am trying to execute the Suitelet from a Workflow Action Script to automate the “clicking” of the Create PO Ack button.
My question is the following:
Is it possible to initiate or execute a Suitelet from a Workflow Action Script ?
I have been trying to use the nlapiRequestURL function in my Workflow Action Script but it only works with an absolute URL and this is dangerous at best in my opinion.
I am not seeing anything in the Script Deployment Execution log for the Suitelet either.. Strange even though this line executes without error in my Workflow Action Script..
Is there a better way to execute a Suitelet from a Workflow Action Script ?
Many thanks in advance..
Sample of Code……
Snippet from User Event..
function userEventBeforeLoad(type, form, request){
if (type == ‘view’) {
stID = nlapiGetRecordId();
//PO Ack button.
var stSuiteletUrl = nlapiResolveURL(‘SUITELET’, ‘customscript_create_poack’, ‘customdeploy_create_poack’);
stSuiteletUrl += ‘¶m1=’ + stID;
………………………………………….. ………………..
Snippet from Suitelet..
function suitelet(request, response){
try {
nlapiLogExecution(‘DEBUG’,’main’, ‘=====START=====’);
var stId = request.getParameter(‘param1’) || false;
if (stId) {
var stSearchId = nlapiGetContext().getSetting(‘SCRIPT’, ‘custscript_poack_search’);
var stFilenamePrefix = nlapiGetContext().getSetting(‘SCRIPT’, ‘custscript_poack_prefix’);
var stDeployment = nlapiGetContext().getSetting(‘SCRIPT’, ‘custscript_poack_desc’);
………………………………………….. ………………….
Snippet from Workflow Action Script..
function CheckCommitedQty() {
nlapiLogExecution(‘DEBUG’, ‘Start Script’);
function isEmpty(e)
if (null == e) return !0;
if (“” == e) return !0;
if (“undefined” == typeof e) return !0;
if (e instanceof Array && 0 == e.length) return !0;
if (e instanceof Object) {
for (var t in e) return !1;
return !0
return !0
Snippet from my test to call a Suitelet from a Workflow Action Script..
function testCallSuiteletfromWorkflowActionScript() {
nlapiLogExecution(‘DEBUG’, ‘Start Script’);
nlapiLogExecution(‘DEBUG’, ‘Call Suitelet’);
nlapiRequestURL(‘′,null,null,’GET’) ;
nlapiLogExecution(‘DEBUG’, ‘End Suitelet Call’);
nlapiLogExecution(‘DEBUG’, ‘End Script’);
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