This topic contains 5 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by j.j 6 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #21458 Score: 0

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    Hi community,

    I'm Gerson Rodriguez, Manager of Product Management for the Platform. SuiteScript is one of the areas under my group. As the title states, I would like to know why haven't you switched to SuiteScript 2.0 ?

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  • #21459 Score: 0

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    Hi Gerson

    Coming from a Netsuite partner background, I could see supporting both SS 1.0 & SS 2.0 being a pain point. Given the large number of scripts already developed in SS 1.0, generally clients wouldn't absorb the cost of updating all the scripts to SS 2.0 without proper justification. A large number of staff are used to SS 1.0 as well so keeping a uniform language just tends to make sense.

    Currently I'm working on client and from a personal perspective I'm just generally much more comfortable with SS 1.0 granted the years I've been coding with it. I find that transitioning between the two is like night and day. I code in SS 2.0 where necessary (utilising the SFTP module and client scripts for beta weekly timesheet). The documentation is lacking in many areas and have pulled many hairs trying to work out how I can achieve the same result in SS 2.0 that I can in SS 1.0.

    I do like the idea of switching but right now there's simply too many legacy SS 1.0 scripts that I need to support and a lack of documentation to make the transition easy.


    gerson.rodriguez replied on 12/29/2017, 09:00 PM: Thank you for you response. This is very helpful and I will make sure the team take notes and action.

  • #21460 Score: 0

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    For the most part, my consultancy hasn't switched because there isn't enough of a reason to do so. I've heard enough complaints about the lack of documentation, undocumented bugs and missing functionality in 2.0 that I'd rather wait as long as I can so hopefully some of those issues will get resolved first. I've never had a client request a specific version of SS, and doubt most of them are even aware there are more than one. It was a long and frustrating process to get good at and debug SS1 and I've got a long list of workarounds for the bugs that I've found, which are turned into 'enhancement requests' when I file them, so mostly I don't even bother anymore.

    Specific things NetSuite can do to help people start using ss2.0:

    1. Read this forum and add missing documentation and address issues that people are bringing up

    2. Add example scripts for more common scenarios

    3. Identify or solicit people who are heavy SS coders and get their feedback in screen share sessions with specific examples

    4. Create a list of benefits to using SS2 over 1 – maybe there are some great features I'm missing out on that I'm not aware of that will be worth the time investment to learn the new stuff.

    5. Stop turning legitimate bugs into enhancement requests.

  • #21461 Score: 0

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    Thank you for your recommendations. I assure you that the team will take notes and action on these topics. I look forward to a further conversation with you on this matter. Please email me your info.

  • #21462 Score: 0

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    One big thing that held me back using SS2.0 was lack of IDE autocomplete ("IntelliSense").

    I've since used started using TypeScript with…uitescript-2.0 which works really nicely, but I've heard from other devs that they would rather not introduce another tool/layer to their stacks.

  • #21463 Score: 0

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    code completion does not work mostly with parameters in NetSuite recommended ide Eclipse which is a pain. Moreover the documentation is sparse and there is no sample codes or even all parameters documented properly leading to halting in between coding to look for information which is mostly not found. Lack of some SS1 features in SS2 also does not allow to migrate completely. Coding effort and typing is thrice the work in SS2 than in SS1

    This should be topmost priority to fix and make Switching to SS2 a delight and user friendly. Having spent a decade on NetSuite platform this is something on top of my mind.

    gerson.rodriguez replied on 01/01/2018, 11:20 PM: Thanks JJ. I’d like to inform you that we are working on a SuiteCloud IDE for webstorm plugin that has a much better code completion feature than eclipse. It will be available on 18.1

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