This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by dobovedo 13 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #9433


    I have been trying for days to understand how to import Leads and Contacts into NetSuite using CSV Import with just one file. I would use two files, but I don’t understand those instructions either.

    If you are using two files for the import, the file containing Contacts data should include a column with values that map to the entities’ primary key field values. You will need to map the two files’ key columns on the Import Assistant’s File Mapping page.

    Uh… sure. Map the two files’ key columns. Sounds awesome. But then the there’s no help showing how to do that!

    I would much rather do this with one file. Lead lists don’t come to us all gift wrapped with separate entity and contact files. Typically I’ve got one Excel list with repeated entity fields (district name, address, etc.) and different contact fields (first/last names, email, phone numbers).

    School 1 fields / Contact 1 fields
    School 1 fields / Contact 2 fields
    School 2 fields / Contact 1 fields

    I have read the help section over and over. With no screen shots, no examples, and no sample data to work from, it’s like reading a foreign language.

    The only success I have had with imports is in getting ONE contact for ONE lead (entity). All others are rejected with the following error:

    A customer record with this ID already exists. You must enter…

    I understand the error, but not what to do about it. Can somebody please provide me with a resource that explains this process in more detail with examples?

    Has there ever been a recorded webinar that showed this process?

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  • #9434


    Nevermind… finally found just enough of an answer in an older thread. Seems the 2 file method works better, and the the trick to linking the files can be found in:…ad.php?t=20143

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