This topic contains 0 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #6719

    Hi there,

    We are attempting to use the NullField function to update some of our line items on an existing transaction to a value of null. We can get this to work on the transaction level for body fields, but are unable to get them set on the line item level. Is this something that is available? Example code below:

    Example for body field (This works):

    $nfl = new NullField();

    $nfl->name = array(‘memo’);

    $cashRefund->nullFieldList = $nfl;

    $request = new UpdateRequest();

    $request->record = $cashRefund;

    Example for line item level (This does not work):

    This would be inserted in our items array:

    $nfl = new NullField();

    $nfl->name = array(‘location’);

    $soi[$i]->nullFieldList = $nfl;

    This shows correctly in our items array. I am thinking that this function (NullField) is not available.

    Any help is much appreciated!

    Thank you,

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