This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by TheUsualSuspect 7 years, 10 months ago.
January 4, 2017 at 4:31 pm #6513
TheUsualSuspectI’m trying to get a request to work for TBA web services. I was having issues and tried to verify what I was doing by running the NetSuite example for TBA through my own code to ensure my signature process was being performed correctly.
They show the following code in SuiteAnswer 44710:
String sCompId = “1234567”;
String consumerKey = “71cc02b731f05895561ef0862d71553a3ac99498a947c3b7b eaf4a1e4a29f7c4”;
String consumerSecret = “7278da58caf07f5c336301a601203d10a58e948efa280f061 8e25fcee1ef2abd”;
String tokenId = “89e08d9767c5ac85b374415725567d05b54ecf0960ad24708 94a52f741020d82”;
String tokenSecret = “060cd9ab3ffbbe1e3d3918e90165ffd37ab12acc76b469104 6e2d29c7d7674c2”;
String algorithm = SignatureAlgorithm._HMAC_SHA256;
and the following example header:
You create the signature by running a base string and key into a HMAC SHA256 function and then base 64 encoding it. There is sample code in the suiteanswerString baseString = sCompId+ “&” + consumerKey + “&” + tokenId + “&” + nonce + “&” + timeStamp;
1234567&71cc02b731f05895561ef0862d71553a3ac99498a9 47c3b7beaf4a1e4a29f7c4&89e08d9767c5ac85b3744157255 67d05b54ecf0960ad2470894a52f741020d82&6obMKq0tmY8y lVOdEkA1&1439829974
String key = consumerSecret + ‘&’ + tokenSecret;
7278da58caf07f5c336301a601203d10a58e948efa280f0618 e25fcee1ef2abd&060cd9ab3ffbbe1e3d3918e90165ffd37ab 12acc76b4691046e2d29c7d7674c2
Using Python, Node and their own example code on the suiteanswer I always get the same answer which doesn’t match their signature. I’ve also tried different text and url encodings and still can’t get their answer. Is it an invalid signature for what they have? Its driving me nuts
my signature: FCghIZqXNetuZY8ILWOFH0ucdfzQOmAuL+q+kF21zPs=
their signiature: fzGxUBu6SZvGqv5hk8P4ou2DPthSxXtJ4zJIeCBQK5A=
import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import urllibbaseStringStr = u’1234567&71cc02b731f05895561ef0862d71553a3ac99498a947c3b7beaf4a1e4a29f7c4&89e08d9767c5ac85b374415725567d05b54ecf0960ad2470894a52f741020d82&6obMKq0tmY8ylVOdEkA1&1439829974′
keyStr = u’7278da58caf07f5c336301a601203d10a58e948efa280f0618e25fcee1ef2abd&060cd9ab3ffbbe1e3d3918e90165ffd37ab12acc76b4691046e2d29c7d7674c2′
baseString = baseStringStr.encode(‘utf-8’)
key = keyStr.encode(‘utf-8’)
dig =, msg=baseString, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest()
import java.util.Base64;
import java.util.Date;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils;
import javax.crypto.*;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import javax.xml.*;public class createSignature{
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
}public static String computeSignature(
String account,
String consumerKey,
String consumerSecret,
String token,
String tokenSecret,
String nonce,
Long timeStamp,
String signatureAlgorithm
) throws Exception
String baseString = account + “&” + consumerKey + “&” + token + “&” + nonce + “&” + timeStamp;
String key = consumerSecret + ‘&’ + tokenSecret;String signature;
if (signatureAlgorithm.equals(“HmacSHA256”))
signature = computeShaHash(baseString, key, “HmacSHA256”);
} else {
signature = computeShaHash(baseString, key, “HmacSHA1”);
}return signature;
}public static void testGetServerTimeWithTBA() throws Exception
// Constants
String sCompId = “1234567”;
String consumerKey = “71cc02b731f05895561ef0862d71553a3ac99498a947c3b7beaf4a1e4a29f7c4”;
String consumerSecret = “7278da58caf07f5c336301a601203d10a58e948efa280f0618e25fcee1ef2abd”;
String tokenId = “89e08d9767c5ac85b374415725567d05b54ecf0960ad2470894a52f741020d82”;
String tokenSecret = “060cd9ab3ffbbe1e3d3918e90165ffd37ab12acc76b4691046e2d29c7d7674c2”;
String algorithm = “HmacSHA256”;// Nonce and timeStamp must be unique for each request. Also, make sure that the nonce value you
// generate does not contain special characters.// String nonce = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(20);
String nonce = “6obMKq0tmY8ylVOdEkA1”;
// Long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L;
Long timeStamp = 1439829974L;
String signature = computeSignature(sCompId, consumerKey, consumerSecret, tokenId, tokenSecret, nonce, timeStamp, algorithm);// create and set TokenPassport SOAP Header
// notice – no secrets are included in this call
}protected static String computeShaHash(String baseString, String key, String algorithm) throws Exception
if (!algorithm.equals(“HmacSHA256”) && !algorithm.equals(“HmacSHA1”)) algorithm = “HmacSHA1”;{
byte[] bytes = key.getBytes();
SecretKeySpec mySigningKey = new SecretKeySpec(bytes, algorithm);
Mac messageAuthenticationCode = Mac.getInstance(algorithm);messageAuthenticationCode.init(mySigningKey);
byte[] hash = messageAuthenticationCode.doFinal(baseString.getBytes());
byte[] encoded = Base64.getEncoder().encode(hash);
return new String(encoded);
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January 4, 2017 at 6:45 pm #6514
chanarbonHi TheUsualSuspect
I would suggest you to try SuiteAnswers 44787 (…ail/a_id/44787) for the Python sample for the calculation
January 5, 2017 at 8:13 am #6515
mttHi TheUsualSuspect , chanarbon
Using the provided code for Java, with theses parameters, I got “/wp+If+p/8iCV9+wz61ynyg1GpOkGbUeRhcJTUzDRQk=” as Signature…
71cc02b731f05895561ef0862d71553a3 ac99498a947c3b7beaf4a1e4a29f7c4 89e08d9767c5ac85b374415725567d05b54ecf0 960ad2470894a52f741020d82
I don’t succeed to connect neither…
January 10, 2017 at 12:14 am #6516
chanarbonTheUsualSuspect and mtt
For the Java sample, I would suggest you to checkout SuiteAnswers ID 44710 (…ail/a_id/44710) for the Java sample. I hope it works on you end since it worked on my end upon testing.
January 18, 2017 at 9:28 am #6517
TheUsualSuspectOriginally posted by chanarbon
View Post
Hi TheUsualSuspect
I would suggest you to try SuiteAnswers 44787 (…ail/a_id/44787) for the Python sample for the calculation
Thank you for the code sample there. I’ll need to get some downtime to work on this again.
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