Senior moment, guys and gals. I have a custom body check box on an invoice that I want to check true. My program says it happens, but it doesn’t appear to. Here is the snippet… PInvoice = (Invoice)records[0];
int y = 0;
CustomFieldRef[] customBodyRefs = null;
customBodyRefs = newCustomFieldRef[1];
Invoice newInvoice = newInvoice();
newInvoice.internalId = PInvoice.internalId;
// Place “true” in Electronic
// Add custom fields to invoice record
BooleanCustomFieldRef electronic = newBooleanCustomFieldRef();
electronic.internalId = “custbody9”;
electronic.value = true;
customBodyRefs[0] = electronic;
newInvoice.customFieldList = customBodyRefs;
WriteResponse insertStatus = newWriteResponse();
insertStatus = _service.update(newInvoice);
if (insertStatus.status.isSuccess == true)
Any takers?
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