This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by jayfiggins 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #10267


    I have custom child records on a sales order and a scheduled workflow based on a search that gives me the sales orders and info from the child records that I need to update. The workflow updates the sales order fields wonderfully, but I also need to update a flag on the child records so that I know they’ve been processed. Is there any way to do this?

    Thanks in advance,

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  • #10268


    I am not an expert with the WorkFlow’s, but I am sure you can use the Set Field Value using the workflow to whatever your value is.

  • #10269


    SuiteFlow only has access to the main record. You would have to create a custom workflow action in SuiteScript to do the updates on the child records.

  • #10270


    One option would be to create two workflows. The first workflow would mark change the sales order fields, and possibly check a box or flag the sales order indicating that it has been updated. Next, create a saved search of your child record. This saved search criteria would be filtered by joining to the sales order record, and selecting only sales orders that had been updated (based on user notes, or setting a custom “flag” field as described in the first workflow). Create a second workflow, using the saved search as the criteria. Add an action in the first workflow to initiate the second workflow. This is a high-level overview, but I have done similar things using multiple workflows like this. Let me know if this makes sense, or if you need more details. This is assuming that all you are doing on the child record is setting a flag, or just setting some fields that are independent of the fields set on the purchase order.

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