This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Gopher 7 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #21530 Score: 0

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    Hi all! First post here.


    I'm creating a HTML customer dashboard portlet to show customized views based on customer type and color-code important information for support representatives. To display all relevant customer information within one portlet, I am using nlapiLoadSearch() to return the results for a couple of custom searches I have defined and am then formatting the results into lists within the HTML.


    In native search portlets, running a custom search for supportcase or contact items only returns ones relevant to that customer to the portlet. This scope limiting seems to be built in, as when I run a nlapiLoadSearch() from my HTML portlet it returns all supportcase or contact items.

    For this reason, I need to filter my search results to only return cases or contacts for the customer which is currently open. Now, the following code seems to work for cases:

    var search = nlapiLoadSearch('supportcase', 'customsearch1492');

    var newFilter = new nlobjSearchFilter('company', null, 'contains', fieldarray['companynametext']);


    var resultSet = search.runSearch();

    (NOTE: "fieldarray ['companytypetext']" above stores the value found at nlapiLoadRecord('customer', entityid).getFieldText('custentity1'))

    However, when I try to do the same thing for contacts:

    var search = nlapiLoadSearch('contact', 'customsearch1472');

    var newFilter = new nlobjSearchFilter('company', null, 'contains', fieldarray['companynametext']);


    var resultSet = search.runSearch();

    I get the following error: An nlobjSearchFilter contains an invalid operator, or is not in proper syntax: company.

    (NOTE: Of course, both of the "search" variables are in different scopes and so don't clash in case that was a concern. I still get this error even if the supportcase one is commented out!)

    The second custom search works fine without the company filter, and performing getText('company') on any result gives a string which is the correct company. When I open a contact record and view the Field Help tooltip, it also shows "Field ID: company". This is also correct according to the documentation found at…d/contact.html

    It's maybe a little bit janky to use a text filter to make company names match up instead of filtering by entityID of the parent (customer) object, but I can't seem to find any way to reference it from a saved search :<

    What on earth could be going wrong here? Why am I not able to filter by Company for Contact objects while I am able to do so fine for Supportcases, when they both use the same Field ID with the same text?
    This is a cached copy. Click here to see the original post.

  • #21531 Score: 0

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    On a Case record, the Company field is a Text field, so contains is a valid operator.

    On a Contact record, the Company field is a Select field (dropdown), so contains is not a valid operator. You will need to use anyof instead of contains.

    See the Help article "Search Operators" for details on which operators can be applied to which field types.

    Gopher replied on 07/11/2017, 02:00 PM: Thanks for the quick response! I have tried using ‘anyof’ instead of ‘contains’ as well, but when I do so it doesn’t seem to filter at all? i.e. if I am on Company N’s page, contacts for Company X show up with that filter.

  • #21532 Score: 0

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    I've tried something similar to that, with no luck. I modified the code as follows:

    var search = nlapiLoadSearch('contact', 'customsearch1472');

    var filterterms = [];

    filterterms[0] = "Nova"; //I included the full customer name in the actual code but it is redacted here

    var newFilter = new nlobjSearchFilter('company', null, 'anyof', filterterms);


    var resultSet = search.runSearch();

    This returns a contact who works for the company named "Direct".

    The array example you gave me only has numeric values: should I be using the customer's EntityID instead of the company name since it is a Select field?

    EDIT: …Aha! Yes, it appears that EntityID works. So using Contains on a text field requires text, but using AnyOf on a select field requires EntityID instead of the text content which appears in that select field. When I performed

    var search = nlapiLoadSearch('contact', 'customsearch1472');

    var filterterms = [];

    filterterms[0] = "4581"; //test code of course, it'll be a variable later

    var newFilter = new nlobjSearchFilter('company', null, 'anyof', filterterms);


    var resultSet = search.runSearch();

    it returned the proper contact!

    Thanks so much!

    erictgrubaugh replied on 07/12/2017, 07:43 AM: Correct; Select fields will always require Internal IDs for their values either when filtering them or setting them.

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