This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by chanarbon 7 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #5695 Score: 0

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    I’m playing around with my first attempt at incorporating google maps. I’ve created a suitelet that I’ve verified as working by calling directly from the address bar, however, upon the load of the record, I can’t seem to get it to work. Here is my code:

    function googleMapForm(type, form)
    if ( type == ‘view’ || type == ‘edit’ )
    /* Add Google Map tab to page. */
    var tab = form.addTab( ‘custpage_googlemap_tab’, ‘Google Map’ )
    form.insertTab( tab, ‘general’ )
    nlapiLogExecution(‘debug’,’Test 1′, ‘Success’);
    var map = form.addField(‘custpage_googlemap’, ‘inlinehtml’, null, null, ‘custpage_googlemap_tab’)
    nlapiLogExecution(‘debug’,’Test 2′,’Success’);
    /* Generate URL for Suitelet, include internalid of the current customer. */
    var serverUrl = nlapiResolveURL( ‘SUITELET’, ‘customscript_google’, ‘customdeploy_google’ ) + ‘&truckloadid=’+nlapiGetRecordId();
    nlapiLogExecution(‘debug’,’Details’,’serverUrl = ‘+serverUrl)
    /* Output IFRAME container for Google map page. */
    map.setDefaultValue( ‘‘ )
    nlapiLogExecution(‘debug’,’Test 3′, ‘Success’);
    I get all 3 test executions successful, however it can’t seem to load the record or much less call the suitelet for some reason.

    Any thoughts?

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  • #5696 Score: 0

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    Why are you setting this as an iframe?

    If I were debugging this I would start with putting “hello world” in my default inlinehtml field to make sure that’s working. Then I think I would have my suitelet return the HTML and just populate that instead of an iFrame.

  • #5697 Score: 0

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    Agreeing with david.smith, I would rather get the Suitelet return a rendered HTML string value passed from request.write() which you can retrieve from nlapiRequestURL() then use an inline HTML field populated for you to show the Google maps

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