This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by pcutler 8 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #4131


    I wrote an integration piece for my current employer that requires Token Based Authentication for access to a RESTlet. My question is, does the integration record need to be included in the suitebundle or are they more or less global? and if so does the consumer key/secret remain the same for each customer of ours that installs it?

    Thanks in advance.
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  • #4132


    Hi Jonathan, it sounds like you have the right idea. You need to include the integration record in the bundle. The consumer key and secret are on the integration record (although not visible), so they will be the same values you saw when you originally created the integration record in the source account. replied on 10/11/2016, 11:57 AM: Awesome that’s exactly what i was hoping for. Thanks.

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