This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by k_dunc 7 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #22940 Score: 0

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    In a Custom Record, we have a Text Area field. We have a Saved Search that automatically emails people upon someone creating a new record of this Custom Record type. The problem is, if someone has typed a lot in this Text Area field, then in the email, we see some of the text, followed by "(more…)".

    Is there a way, in the Saved Search, we can extend the number of characters shown in the email such that it shows everything typed? Or do I need to handle this another way – e.g., a Workflow with an Email action perhaps?


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  • #22941 Score: 0

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    Hey Kirk. Unfortunately I don't think there is much that can be done. I went through a similar situation recently. Here is the response and case information.

    I find it strange because sometimes you can get all the information and sometimes you cannot. I think in the end I ended up loading the record to get the full text of the field (storedetaileddescription) consistently. I don't recall but I think the nlapiLookupField might have worked as well.

    If anyone else knows a way I'm open to hear how.

    Case # 2581098

    Please be informed that upon further checking, I came across Defect 336043 which previously filed similar to your concern on the detailed description field which truncates when exported. However, this has already been closed as this was determined to be by design.

    This is the exact feedback from our engineers:

    "Unfortunately, due to the limitations imposed by underlying technology (Oracle) we are not able to display in certain cases Detailed Descriptions longer than 1300 bytes. These cases are rather rare and are caused by a combination of certain feature set in the customer account and criteria used in the search. Therefore, we recommend changing the search criteria to avoid the truncation happening. This limitation will be documented in the online help."

    This is the link to the article:…_N2177433.html

    I hope this clarifies. Should you need further assistance on this case feel free to reply to this email and this case will automatically be re-opened. You may also contact NetSuite Customer Support or create another online case should you have other concerns.

  • #22942 Score: 0

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    I was involved with the creation of that defect 336043 almost 2 years ago. Our issue was with a CSV export; we worked around it by removing one of the criteria (and then filtering in Excel); it was never explained what in the criteria causes the issue. Maybe you can get what you need by playing with the criteria.

  • #22943 Score: 0

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    Same here. Ours was caused specifically by using the Inventory Location field in the criteria. We got around if by using a formula and using the Internal ID of the joined version of the Inventory Location.

  • #22944 Score: 0

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    Thanks all,

    I played around further with the Saved Search, but I think that's just fruitless. My guess is that, "by design", NetSuite simply shows the first 300-odd characters and then shows the "(more…)" string.

    Now I was able to get around this by creating a Workflow, On Create, with a single State and single Action (Send Email). The unfortunate thing with a Workflow is, however, I can't send the one email to multiple variable email addresses. It would appear that the only 'true' way to solve this would be via script: I can't believe that it should be that hard????



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