This topic contains 11 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by JMUnderwood 15 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #4460


    I have some basic questions about SuiteBundler that I can not find answers to in the documentation.

    I must say that the existing documentation is very limited and disappointing about this very important feature. It consists solely of 1-1/2 pages in the 2007.0 Release Notes. As evidenced by the long thread posted by Cecelia, How to create a client script bundle? the SuiteBundler UI is confusing and not very intuitive. Perhaps if it were very intuitive we wouldn’t need much documentation.

    Even the Online Help references lead nowhere. Here’s an example:

    Why Should I Create a Custom ID?

    Custom IDs are recommended if you plan to use the SuiteBundler feature to bundle the script and deploy it into another NetSuite account. Custom IDs reduce the risk of naming conflicts for scripts deployed into other accounts. (For details on bundling scripts, see SuiteBundler in the Release Notes.)

    Clicking on the SuiteBundler links takes you to a page that tells you NOTHING about bundling scripts — it’s just a list of elements supported by SuiteBundler.

    Questions and ShortcomingsWhich custom objects/elements are NOT supported by SuiteBundlerThe Release Notes list a long list that are supported
    It would be easier to understand if it was expressed as “All custom elements are supported EXCEPT: โ€ฆ”


    What is the difference in selecting the SOURCE of the bundle to install?SuiteSource Repository
    Production Account
    Sandbox Account


    Since the Production Account and the Sandbox Account both accept an Account Number, why have two selections, unless there is some difference in handling of the INSTALL of the bundle?

    It seems that a primary Use Case has been completely overlooked, and not implemented in the current version: Installing Multiple Bundles (from the same acct) that Have Common Elements/ObjectsWhat happens now is that when you install a bundle, it will create a new custom field (with a new ID) EVEN if the custom field was previously installed by another bundle from the same account
    Thus the objects installed from the two bundles will not work together.

    There are at least three scenarios that will commonly require this

    .Multiple developers working on different features that have common elements. Some Examples:Reports
    Saved Searches

    All of these might use a common set of custom fields


    Multiple Add-on Bundles which add different, independent features, but have some common elements.

    Some examples:Custom Customer, Project, and Contact Forms that can be used separately, but all have some common custom fields like Last Update By, Last Update D/T.


    Development Spread out Over time that have common elementsAfter testing each phase, I only want to install the changes for that phase


    When will comprehensive documentation for SuiteBundler be available?
    This is a cached copy. Click here to see the original post.

  • #4461


    RE: SuiteBundler Questions & Shortcomings

    I’m so glad others are asking questions about SuiteBundler now that it’s been more widely released. At the time that I was playing around with it and posted some questions, the feature was brand new and there wasn’t much info available yet. Several of the NS folks posted replies (thanks!) that answered some of my questions, but in the end I decided to come back to it once more people were using it and the doc was updated. Btw, thanks for raising the unanswered questions again, Jim. Will be following the Suite Bundler threads more closely now.


  • #4462


    RE: SuiteBundler Questions & Shortcomings

    Jim – quick question, albeit off-topic… what is that exclamation (warning) symbol for, next to the thread title? Did you put it there? You also have other threads with a question mark icon and a sad face. Just curious.

  • #4463


    RE: SuiteBundler Questions & Shortcomings

    Originally posted by Cecelia

    Jim – quick question, albeit off-topic… what is that exclamation (warning) symbol for, next to the thread title? Did you put it there? You also have other threads with a question mark icon and a sad face. Just curious.

    You’re very observant Cecelia!

    I added the icon when I started the thread — anyone can.

    Just click on the icon below the box you type in when you create the thread.

    Here’s my thinking:

    ? — I’m asking a “How to …” question

    — I’m very frustrated and/or unhappy about the issue

    ! or Yield — Caution! NetSuite behavior may have adverse consequences, or at least much different that you might expect.

    They can be a neat visual cue if used consistently.

  • #4464


    RE: SuiteBundler Questions & Shortcomings

    Hi folks,

    We added more SuiteBundler documentation for the 2007.1.0 help release that went out Friday night (10/5). These updates should have also been back ported back to the 2007.0.5 help center. That was just an oversight. I will see if we can do a build this week for 2007.0.5 to add the SuiteBundler documentation.

    Also, I am forwarding this thread with your specific questions about the documentation to our writer on this area so that they can be addressed as needed.



  • #4465


    RE: SuiteBundler Questions & Shortcomings

    Originally posted by vsteele

    Hi folks,

    We added more SuiteBundler documentation for the 2007.1.0 help release that went out Friday night (10/5). These updates should have also been back ported back to the 2007.0.5 help center. That was just an oversight. I will see if we can do a build this week for 2007.0.5 to add the SuiteBundler documentation.

    Also, I am forwarding this thread with your specific questions about the documentation to our writer on this area so that they can be addressed as needed.



    Thanks Valerie.

    Will the 2007.1 Beta Help also be updated?

  • #4466


    RE: SuiteBundler Questions & Shortcomings

    Originally posted by JMUnderwood

    Will the 2007.1 Beta Help also be updated?

    I am checking on this and will let you know.


  • #4467



    We will be posting an updated 2007.0.5 help center with SuiteBundler documentation on Wednesday, October 10th.

    We are in the process of updating the beta help center for 2007.1.0 now. Please give it an hour or so before using it.

    If you receive unexpected errors, please clear your cache and try again.



  • #4468


    RE: SuiteBundler Questions & Shortcomings


    Thanks for the new SuiteBundler documentation, but (there’s always a “but”) the graphics on Creating a Bundle (and pp. 98-99 in the PDF) are blank.


  • #4469


    Yes, the writer discovered this today and it will be fixed this week. Thanks for letting us know.

  • #4470


    RE: SuiteBundler Questions & Shortcomings

    Originally posted by vsteele


    We will be posting an updated 2007.0.5 help center with SuiteBundler documentation on Wednesday, October 10th.

    Hello all,

    In order to address some of the issues raised here and in another post, we are going to need an extra day to build and test the help centers. So our help centers will not be updated until Thursday evening, October 11th. I apologize for the issues and for the delay.


  • #4471


    RE: SuiteBundler Questions & Shortcomings

    Originally posted by JMUnderwood

    .It seems that a primary Use Case has been completely overlooked, and not implemented in the current version: Installing Multiple Bundles (from the same acct) that Have Common Elements/ObjectsWhat happens now is that when you install a bundle, it will create a new custom field (with a new ID) EVEN if the custom field was previously installed by another bundle from the same account
    Thus the objects installed from the two bundles will not work together.

    There are at least three scenarios that will commonly require this

    .Multiple developers working on different features that have common elements. Some Examples:Reports
    Saved Searches

    All of these might use a common set of custom fields


    Multiple Add-on Bundles which add different, independent features, but have some common elements.

    Some examples:Custom Customer, Project, and Contact Forms that can be used separately, but all have some common custom fields like Last Update By, Last Update D/T.


    Development Spread out Over time that have common elementsAfter testing each phase, I only want to install the changes for that phase


    I am pleased to report that the suggestions that I reported in Oct 2007 have been addressed and accepted by NetSuite in Ver 2009.1.

    The ability to create and install a new bundle that includes objects in a previous bundle without creating duplicates is HUGE benefit! This new feature in 2009.1 will now allow the following use cases:Internal company developers who are developing in the Sandbox can now easily add new bundles for changes since the last bundle between the Sandbox and the Production accounts.
    NetSuite Partners can now offer multiple bundles for NetSuite Customers to use, and each bundle can include a core set of objects without causing a duplicate object to be created with each new bundle.This means you can buy one bundle now, and easily add another bundle later that include some common elements.
    This is a win-win situation

    Thanks NetSuite for finally implementing this very important feature.

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