This topic contains 6 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Olivier Gagnon NC 13 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #4371


    I am looking to flush out our netsuite account and start from scratch on the imports. I would like to keep all the customizations we have made. I created a bundle with all the data we want to keep, but I’m worried that if I do the “Delete All Data” function, that it will delete my bundle as well. will my bundle be saved even if I delete all data?


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  • #4372

    RE: SuiteBundle data after "Delete All Data"


    If you “Delete all data” all your bundles will be deleted too.

    I believe users will be able to export their bundleยดs content into xml file in the next release (2008.2).

  • #4373


    RE: SuiteBundle data after "Delete All Data"

    I would recommend the best practice in this case to create a “Bundle All” of all of your customizations and copy it to the Repository — making sure to share the bundle with your Account #. Then run the Delete All Data process, and install the “Bundle All” from the Repository. NetSuite PS has had success with this approach.

    The SuiteBundle “Export” feature coming in the next release will not export bundles as XML — it will only export bundle contents in a spreadsheet format for analysis purposes. Bundles remain designed to be installed only from one NetSuite account to another.

  • #4374


    RE: SuiteBundle data after "Delete All Data"

    I believe there is an option to delete all data but save configuration? Not sure if it is exposed in the UI.



  • #4375


    RE: SuiteBundle data after "Delete All Data"

    Resurrecting another Ancient of Days thread here.

    I too am forced to run the “delete all” in a test sandbox so I can test importing data. I created (in my DEV instance) a bundle of all my customizations as well as a configuration bundle and then did the delete all operation, followed by installing the config bundle, followed by installing the customizations bundle.

    What this resulted in is a totally unusable instance. There’s a special non-posting account called “Sales Orders” created when you turn on the Sales Orders feature, but restoring a configuration bundle that turns on that feature does not create that account. I was given the hint that I should disable the Sales Orders feature and then reenable that, but that requires that the multi-location inventory feature be disabled, and that feature *cannot* be disabled. So here I am high and dry. My gold support ticket has been escalated twice now and I’m more stuck than ever. Someone must have actual experience with this kind of activity. How do I find them?

  • #4376


    I was directed by support to turn off the work orders feature (which doesn’t have any dependent features) and then turn it back on. Voila: all the missing non-posting accounts, including the Sales Orders account, were re-created. There’s a defect report on this somewhere, they say.

  • #4377

    Olivier Gagnon NC

    RE: SuiteBundle data after "Delete All Data"

    Good to know, thanks for posting your experience

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