This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by jmitchell 8 years ago.

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  • #6582


    I am trying to mark an ItemFulfillment as shipped with a package. The ItemFulfillment record is initially created and picked using WMS Lite RF Mobile Screen.

    It is updating the Status field, but it seems to be adding a default package (0.05lb, no description or tracking) instead of the package I specified. What am I doing wrong?

    Here is my code (C#):

    //curShipment is an EasyPost shipment after purchasing postage.
    //it contains relevant information about the package
    ItemFulfillmentPackage package = new ItemFulfillmentPackage();
    package.packageWeight = curShipment.parcel.weight;
    package.packageWeightSpecified = true;
    package.packageTrackingNumber = curShipment.tracking_code;
    package.packageDescr = “H2OShip Shipment”;

    ItemFulfillmentPackageList packages = new ItemFulfillmentPackageList();
    packages.package = new ItemFulfillmentPackage[] { package };

    ItemFulfillment fulfillmentUpdate = new ItemFulfillment();
    fulfillmentUpdate.internalId = curFulfillment.internalId;
    fulfillmentUpdate.shipStatus = ItemFulfillmentShipStatus._shipped;
    fulfillmentUpdate.shipStatusSpecified = true;
    fulfillmentUpdate.packageList = packages;

    SetNetsuitePrefs(); // Sets preferences and authenticates, similar to the ERP example code
    WriteResponse response = await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(() => { return nsService.update(fulfillmentUpdate); });
    This is a cached copy. Click here to see the original post.

  • #6583


    After more testing, I was able to get the correct package information using ItemFulfillmentPackageUsps, etc that matches the carrier already specified.

    However, if I try to choose a different carrier, it gives an error “Switching the shipping method to another carrier is an unsupported operation, because it requires reloading the item fulfillment form for that carrier.”

    This is a problem for us because we offer free shipping, which ends up being “choose the cheapest rate for this package from the 3 main carriers”

    What do I need to do to correctly set the tracking number and possibly update the shipping method/carrier?

    ItemFulfillment fulfillmentUpdate = new ItemFulfillment();
    fulfillmentUpdate.internalId = curFulfillment.internalId;
    fulfillmentUpdate.shipStatus = ItemFulfillmentShipStatus._shipped;
    fulfillmentUpdate.shipStatusSpecified = true;
    fulfillmentUpdate.shipMethod = new RecordRef()
    // Get the internalId from a saved dictionary
    internalId = shipMethods.GetNetsuite(curShipment.selected_rate).netsuiteId

    switch (curShipment.selected_rate.carrier)
    case “USPS”:
    ItemFulfillmentPackageUsps pkgUsps = new ItemFulfillmentPackageUsps();
    pkgUsps.packageWeightUsps = curShipment.parcel.weight / 16; // Easypost uses Oz, Netsuite uses Lb
    pkgUsps.packageWeightUspsSpecified = true;
    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(curShipment.parcel.predefined_package))
    pkgUsps.packageLengthUsps = (long)curShipment.parcel.length;
    pkgUsps.packageLengthUspsSpecified = true;
    pkgUsps.packageWidthUsps = (long)curShipment.parcel.width;
    pkgUsps.packageWidthUspsSpecified = true;
    pkgUsps.packageHeightUsps = (long)curShipment.parcel.height;
    pkgUsps.packageTrackingNumberUsps = curShipment.tracking_code;

    ItemFulfillmentPackageUspsList pkgListUsps = new ItemFulfillmentPackageUspsList();
    pkgListUsps.packageUsps = new ItemFulfillmentPackageUsps[] { pkgUsps };
    fulfillmentUpdate.packageUspsList = pkgListUsps;
    // Cases for the other carriers
    WriteResponse response = await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(() => { return nsService.update(fulfillmentUpdate); });
    // Results in error:
    // [Code=JS_EXCEPTION] Error: Switching the shipping method to another carrier is an unsupported operation, because it requires reloading the item fulfillment form for that carrier.

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