This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by dcc-kevin 7 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #5783 Score: 0

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    Is it possible to do this via script? The field is exposed in the record browser but when I try to set it nothing happens. The date doesn’t change and no error is thrown so I can’t figure out if this is something that just isn’t possible or if there is a mistake in my code.

    The line that sets the value is below. Other fields are being set as expected by the rest of this code on the same line item. I’ve tried two different date formats with the same result. The current system date format is MM/DD/YYYY.

    SO.setLineItemValue(‘item’,’expectedshipdate’,slID ,’05/02/2017′);

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  • #5784 Score: 0

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    I believe this is a read-only field, calculated by NetSuite.

  • #5785 Score: 0

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    Bummer. I’d like to be able to set it. Thanks for the answer though.

  • #5786 Score: 0

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    I am pretty sure you can overwrite the field but you have to set the field on the record after submission.

    Wanted to clarify my above statement. The ‘expectedshipdate’ field is calculated by NetSuite when saving the record in the UI context. However, the system script that set the ‘expectedshipdate’ field is not triggered when using nlapiSubmitRecord to save the record. So you just need to create a user event script that is triggered after record submit to change the ‘expectedshipdate’ field to your desired date and use nlapiSubmitRecord to save the record. Hope that helps.

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