This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by errol 8 years ago.

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  • #6201 Score: 0

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    nlapiSubmitField(‘salesorder’, searchresults[i].getId(), ‘custbodytracking_delivery_date’, nlapiStringToDate(’01/01/2011′));
    Is there a way to use nlapiSubmitField to change a datetime field? I’m getting UNEXPECTED_ERROR.

    Is the only other option using record.setDateTimeValue?
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  • #6202 Score: 0

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    Nevermind, it was all a formatting problem. should be in this format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss am|pm (for example, ‘09/25/2013 06:00:01 am’).

    david.smith replied on 08/18/2016, 09:23 AM: Careful because each user can set their preferences to a different date format. See the other comments below for using nlapiStringToDate.

  • #6203 Score: 0

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    Just BTW, I think the issue probably was your use of nlapiStringToDate. It probably should have been nlapiDateToString.

  • #6204 Score: 0

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    k_dunc is right. Also, for datetime fields, you could use nlapiDateToString(new Date(), ‘datetimetz’); The datetimetz will format it to work with the datetime fields. If you leave that out, it will format for normal date fields.

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