This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by k_dunc 7 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #21585 Score: 0

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    Hi All,

    I know the API is pretty limited for online forms, but I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction here:

    Summary: Need to allow online form to only edit existing custom records and not create them. Also up for any other options with same end result.

    Background: I have created a custom record for certain non-inventory items sold (i.e. warranty plans), but we may be selling these non-inventory items to dealers who then sell them to customers. For this reason we want to set the plans to a pending activation status on purchase, then require the customer to enter their information via an online form to "activate" the plan.

    Current: I've created an online form that is linked to the custom record. This form uses two search fields to find the previously created custom record via two fields (randomly generated numbers for plan # and activation code) and requests the customer enter their email and purchase date. If the two search fields are entered correctly, the email replaces the email field on the record and the purchase date becomes the "activation date" and a workflow sets the status field to "activated" (good!).

    Issues: I want to prevent erroneous records and notify the customer when they entered fields incorrectly. Currently, if I enter an incorrect search field, the custom form simply creates a new record (bad!). Also, there is no way to inform the customer that they have successfully activated their plan.

    Goals:Prevent creation of new records and only allow editing existing records via online form (or any other option).
    Notify customer if they enter either of the search fields incorrectly (i.e. no records found via search).
    Notify customer they successfully activated their plan (i.e. updated an existing record).
    I would really appreciate if anyone can point me in the right direction here. Unfortunately, we are required to have this activation form available via both our website AND our web store (SCA-Vinson, which I'm sure is going to create a few headaches as well).

    This is a cached copy. Click here to see the original post.

  • #21586 Score: 0

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    • Level 1

    Is this the same post twice? Other post.

    mar23cas replied on 06/11/2017, 12:07 AM: Yes, posting from mobile and didn’t see a delete option after I found a better place to post it.

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