This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by amiller88 7 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #10004


    Question: Fulfillment/Receiving Date Created seems to be tied to SO Line Items. Is there a Sales Order Header version of the field that would tell me the timestamp of the most recent fulfillment against a Sales Order? Ironically, I my search is main line = “N” but I need to know if ANY line item on the SO has been Fulfilled. And to make matters worse, my other search conditions (basically committed > 0) exclude the lines that have a Fulfillment/Receiving Transaction?

    I thought I could use the Summary Criteria but that does not appear to work in Workflows.

    More Background (if you’re interested):

    I have a scenario where I send an EDI transaction (940) to my 3PL warehouse.

    I’m basically telling them the quantity to ship (the Netsuite Committed qty for each line item).

    I keep track of the date/time I sent it that info in a Sales Order custbody field called “Most Recent 940 date”.

    I later receive an EDI response (945) that triggers a fulfillment in Netsuite.

    Until I receive the EDI response, the line item reflects the committed quantity I transmitted plus any additional commitments (due to new material receipts).

    Once the Fulfillment is triggered, the committed quantity on each line item now reflects the “next” fulfillment / quantity to ship (and I can transmit to my 3PL).

    The first backorder not a problem because the S.O. Status only changes to Partially Fulfilled or Pending Billing/Partially Fulfilled after the Fulfillment has been created.

    2nd or 3rd backorder fulfillment are not so clear because the sales order cycles through those two statuses.

    So, I’m trying to use the Fulfilling/Receiving Transaction Date field to figure out if there has been a Fulfillment since the last time I told my 3PL to make a shipment.
    This is a cached copy. Click here to see the original post.

  • #10005


    Just a guess. I have never used a saved search in a work flow but I understand this can be done. I have created saved searches such as listing all IFs then grouping by SO then using maximum of date to get last date.

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