This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by jschneller 8 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #6795



    When we add a SalesOrder via SuiteTalk, the returnXml (sample below) includes the internalId of the newly-created SalesOrder. However, our integration that is calling this also need to know the Order ID value (field “tranid”). Is there a way I can also return this value?

    We already have an existing SuiteScript After_Submit customization when a SalesOrder is inserted via SuiteTalk. While easy enough to get the tranid, I don’t know how I can add this to the returnXml. Any clues/suggestions are greatly appreciated. As a work-around, I know I can have our integration make a subsequent SuiteTalk call to search for the SalesOrder and return this value, but this is extra work on both systems and an extra round-trip I’d rather avoid.

    Thanks in advance for your help!!

    Steve Egelman

    –Here’s a sample of the current returnXml

    WEBSERVICES_3424833_01062016418 247958641011752_4bd79df86923a

    This is a cached copy. Click here to see the original post.

  • #6796


    Just a “bump” to see if anyone has any thoughts on this…thanks again!! Steve

  • #6797


    Take the internalid and fetch the sales order again to get the actual data that you need. Only way we could get it to work. Makes the integration very chatty but it does work.

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