When we add a SalesOrder via SuiteTalk, the returnXml (sample below) includes the internalId of the newly-created SalesOrder. However, our integration that is calling this also need to know the Order ID value (field “tranid”). Is there a way I can also return this value?
We already have an existing SuiteScript After_Submit customization when a SalesOrder is inserted via SuiteTalk. While easy enough to get the tranid, I don’t know how I can add this to the returnXml. Any clues/suggestions are greatly appreciated. As a work-around, I know I can have our integration make a subsequent SuiteTalk call to search for the SalesOrder and return this value, but this is extra work on both systems and an extra round-trip I’d rather avoid.
Thanks in advance for your help!!
Steve Egelman
–Here’s a sample of the current returnXml
WEBSERVICES_3424833_01062016418 247958641011752_4bd79df86923a
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