This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by david.smith 7 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #21563 Score: 0

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    I have a quote, inside it a subtab that contains a saved search.

    I would like to get the results of this search, perhaps using nlapiGetLineItemValue.

    But it gives me error, and try using

    nlapiGetLineItemValue ('recmachestimate', 'item', i)

    (Within a for) but apparently I'm not defining my script well.

    Does anyone know how to get the id of the subtab to retrieve the values of the search that is anchored there.

    Thank you.

    This is my estimate

    "Búsqueda Plantilla" is the subtab, this contains the results of the saved search.

    This is the content of the subtab, I try to retrieve values of this saved search but I can`t
    This is a cached copy. Click here to see the original post.

  • #21564 Score: 0

    Olivier Gagnon NC
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    You cannot read the results from the tab itself. Use scripting to separately call the same search that resides in the tab.

    VerdeOS replied on 06/22/2017, 07:46 AM: Ok, I will try to use nlapiCreateSerach with the same parameters of the saved search.

    Thank you

  • #21565 Score: 0

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    What Olivier said is correct. You should just load the same search and add the filter manually. Don't use nlapiCreateSearch. Loading the existing search is better for performance and allows you to easily adjust when/if the search used changes.

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