This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Krish0nan 16 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #4428



    This is my first post here. I was working on something for my account (I’m a NetSuite customer, not a partner or anything) and I thought others could maybe use what I made, so I checked out the SuiteBundle stuff and was immediately s u c k e d (had to beat the stupid censors!) into creating one because it’s so cool!

    Anyway, long story short I created my bundle, made it public and want to go to this “repository” I’ve read about but can’t find it. How do I let other users on the NG know about my bundle? Can I send them a link? Can I tell how many people have installed or not?

    I haven’t found some basic information in the help about the repository or how to point other users to a public bundle.

    Any help would be appreciated.
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  • #4429


    The repository is what you see when you go to Setup > Customization > Install Bundles page. Other users can find your bundle here. You can also see how many times a bundle has been installed on this page.

  • #4430


    RE: Repository?

    Ah, cool, there are quite a few in there!

    Couple of problems I had:Can’t bundle images (I had used some images on a SuiteLet)
    The description for the Bundle (another terrible NetSuite, TINY little textarea) strips any attempt to introduct even the slightest formatting (like a blank line)

  • #4431


    RE: Repository?

    Originally posted by sklett

    another terrible NetSuite, TINY little textarea

    Like a nasty plague!! like so many boxes these boxes need to be expanded – who decides to make them so tiny? why? is it good?

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