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  • #8075


    I am mighty confused by NetSuite Reporting, I cannot seem to get my head around it.

    I’m trying to create a report that will give me monthly totals, in particular I am trying to see what were the total stock values of each inventory item at each month end.

    What I envisage is:

    Column1: a list of all inventory items

    Column2: the total on-hand value of each item as of the last day of January

    Column3: the total on-hand value of each item as of the last day of February




    ColumnX: the total on-hand value of each item line as of the last day of last month

    I figure this is some kind of matrix report but I’m am really struggling to penetrate NetSuite’s arcane language.

    Does anybody know how to do this kind of report?
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  • #8076


    RE: Reports with per-Month columns

    Some of the Summary Reports have a Columns drop-down where you can change from Total to Accounting Period, and thereby achieve precisely what I want, but its not available on the Inventory Valuation Summary Report.

    I can kind of get what I want by using the Inventory Trend Graph on my dashboard, but it only shows me the total value of my whole stock, but I want it broken down by item.

    Aaah, That’s classic NetSuite!

  • #8077

    RE: Reports with per-Month columns


    I may be wrong but looking backwards at inventory quantities is kind of tricky as inventory quantities are always moving and Netsuite would have to constantly take complete snapshots at the end of everyday and then store that data to compare against.


    What I have learned while I’ve been working with Netsuite is that the reason you can look at inventory valuation reports and see inventory VALUE’s for prior dates is because Netsuite looks at the last year inventory as a value from your G/L accounts and totals any of them that are flagged as type = inventory NOT at the actual items.

    I am by no means a Netsuite pro who knows and understands all of the fine inner working of the system but this is just what I have been told by others. SO if anyone knows differently please feel free to step in and correct me where I’m wrong.

    K.Izer / Islanders

    w = 850-244-0451 x 100

  • #8078

    RE: Reports with per-Month columns

    ALSO Andy… if you go to Home > Set Preferences > Reporting/Search and change the ‘Report by Period’ option to NEVER that should give you the option to filter your reports by day’s instead of just periods.

    K.Izer / Islanders

    w = 850-244-0451 x 100

  • #8079

    RE: Reports with per-Month columns

    Another option would be to set up a search and build the columns yourself BUT I still don’t know how you would look at past quantities on an item as the {onhand} field is a constantly moving number.

    Here is a post I made where I created columns for PER MONTH data on purchase orders. Maybe you can use this as a starting point a search.

    Hope it helps!…ad.php?t=23973

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