This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by longlam 18 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #8799


    Hello All,

    I am looking to recreate our income statements and balance sheets in Crystal Reports using the ODBC connection. The problem is, I don’t know where to start. For instance, how does Netsuite generate the Total Amount in the Accounts Receivable so quickly and not only overall but it can be broken up into different Financial Periods very quickly. What tables should I be looking into to start figuring out these figures?
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  • #8800


    RE: Replicating Income Statements/Balance Sheets

    Hello Long,

    If you want your Financials by date: use TRANSACTIONS, TRANSACTION_LINES, ACCOUNTS views

    If you want your Financials by period: use TRANSACTIONS, TRANSACTION_LINES, ACCOUNTS and ACCOUNTING_PERIODS views

    Here is the sample sql, which you can modify in order to get Income Statement by date that you need:



    accounts.type_name, account,

    sum(transaction_lines.amount) balance


    transactions, transaction_lines, accounts


    transactions.transaction_id = transaction_lines.transaction_id and

    transactions.trandate between to_date(’01/01/2003′, ‘MM/DD/YYYY’) and to_date(’12/31/2003′, ‘MM/DD/YYYY’) and

    accounts.account_id = transaction_lines.account_id and

    transaction_lines.non_posting_line = ‘No’ and

    accounts.type_name in (‘Income’,’Other Income’,’Expense’,’Other Expense’,’Cost of Goods Sold’)

    group by



    order by



    This sql basically provides you with with the list of all accounts that belong to Income Statement and the amount posted to these accounts between 1/1/2003 and 12/31/2003.

  • #8801


    RE: Replicating Income Statements/Balance Sheets

    What does this do?

    transaction_lines.non_posting_line = ‘No’

    Also, how does the transaction_line = 0 play into this and it acts as the total for each transaction. Does this also pull in all the additional journal entries? I’m guessing it does.

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