This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by jfnsapi 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #6696


    Hi All. I have an existing SalesOrder record that has the partner populated. I am trying to update the SalesOrder using SuiteTalk via .Net to remove the reference to the partner. I’ve tried:

    salesOrder.partner = null;

    salesOrder.partner = new RecordRef();

    salesOrder.partner = new RecordRef { internalId = null, type = RecordType.customer, typeSpecified = true };

    The update always returns success, but the partner remains unchanged. I can change the partner to a different customer, I just cannot remove the link. I am able to remove the partner via the UI.

    Any help would be appreciated.


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  • #6697

    Daniel Giguere

    Hi Jon, you might try the following, or search in the help for ‘nullFieldList’:

    salesOrder.nullFieldList = new String[]{“partner”};

  • #6698


    Daniel, thanks so much! Setting the partner field to null along with setting the nullFieldList as you suggested did the trick. I really appreciate your help.

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