This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Stephanie.Polk 8 years ago.

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  • #23473



    This may sound like a rediculas question, but is there any way to tie cases to cases. Essentially, our agents need to create a new case every time a call comes in (for tracking), is there a way, without created custom records, etc, to link case forms together? I haven't had enough coffee yet, my apologies if this isn't making sense!
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  • #23474


    Why not have your agents log the phone call instead of a new case? That way it keeps it all together.

    But if you must, you could always add a custom field with record as parent to the case form. Then you can establish the parent/child model.

  • #23475


    Hi @steven_stewart,

    Have you looked into the merge case functionality within NetSuite? This functionality would allow your users to create a case as the phone call comes in and then merge any duplicate cases at a later time. We use this function internally and find it works quite well. All information from all merged cases then get stored in one case record. To use this functionality, please do the following:

    Navigate to a duplicate case record and click the "Merge" button. The "Merge Case" page will allow your users to select two checkboxes which control the "Merge Into" field. The first checkbox filters the "Merge Into" with cases from the same customer only where the second checkbox has this field only show open cases. You can uncheck either of these checkboxes if you would like to expand the list of cases you can merge into, but we have found that leaving both of these boxes checked causes less accidental merges. You can then select the original case that you would like to merge the duplicate case record into.

    Please note that merging records is not reversible and will be permanent, so you will want to take extra care when merging records.

    Once the merge is complete, all information from both cases will be shown on the merged case.

    Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions regarding this process. Thank you.

    Have a nice day,

    Stephanie Lowry

    NetSuite Certified Administrator

    Aminian Business Services

    NetSuite Support:

    (949) 407-8417 | (888) 800-5207 x 17

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