This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Minger 7 years, 11 months ago.
October 5, 2016 at 11:46 am #9782
schollguin@gmail.comI’m hoping someone may have some insight here. I’m wondering how I can access the values on a custom record that is a parent of the workflow record type Its a parent record to ITEM. I can’t seem to access the values of the parent record with a formula such as {custitemfield.fieldId}
Here is an overview of the scenario.
I have a custom record called: customrecord_prod_type_cont_tmplt. (see Pic 1)
It is a parent record. ITEM is a child record to it.
I created a custom item field called: custitem_lc_grading_svc_coinnbr. (see Pic 2)
This custom field references the custom parent record. It is a type = List/Record with the List/Record set to my Custom Record I mentioned above. It has Record is Parent enabled.
On a custom Item form I have placed the custom item field.
I have a workflow on the ITEM record.
I have a client trigger such that after field sourcing of the custitem_lc_grading_svc_coin_nbr field, I would like to Set Field Value of another field on the form to one of the parent record’s fields.
In my example, I Want to set the value of the the field “Draft Product Description” to the Parent Record’s field called “Product Base Description”.
In my workflow action, I perform a Set Field Value action, and I enter a formula to reference the parent record and the appropriate field. However, it does not work, it keeps setting my field to the internal id of the parent record, but not the value of the field for that parent record. See final pic 3.
Here is the formula: {custitem_lc_grading_svc_coin_nbr.custrecord_lc_pr d_tmplt_base_descr}
Is it possible to do what I’m trying to do? The only work-around I can think of is to create additional custitem fields on the ITEM record which reference the parent record, so that they are then part of the CURRENT RECORD when I’m configuring the workflow…but I was hoping to avoid that.
thanks for any insight.
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October 5, 2016 at 3:42 pm #9783
Just thought I would post the solution that ended up working for this before anyone spent too much time responding.
In the Set Field Value formula field this was achievable by using an api call. Here was the syntax of the call used to retrieve a specific field from the parent record that my ITEM record was referencing.
In my case the formula looked like the following:
nlapiLookupField(‘customrecord_prod_type_cont_tmpl t’,nlapiGetFieldValue(‘custitem_lc_grading_svc_coi n_nbr’),’custrecord_lc_prd_tmplt_base_descr’)
Hopefully this will save someone some time in the future.
December 7, 2016 at 11:32 pm #9784
MingerVery helpful thank you so much!
I was unable to source a List/Record field from the related Customer:Project on a Time record using a workflow. I used this solution and put the following code in the Formula field of the workflow: nlapiLookupField(‘job’, nlapiGetField(‘customer’).uifield.value, ‘custentity_gs_pj_lob’);
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