This topic contains 5 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by JCirocco 7 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #6376 Score: 0

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    I’ve figured out that I can change the commitinventory and/or the orderpriority fields on an item line. But that only causes items to commit or uncommit when the Accounting Preferences -> Order Management, PERFORM ITEM COMMITMENT AFTER TRANSACTION ENTRY, is checked.

    I know it can be done through the UI via the Commit Orders or Reallocate Items pages. How do I allocate/commit a line item directly from SuiteScript?

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  • #6377 Score: 0

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    One thing you can do is to change the order line’s “commit” behavior. For example, you can script order lines to be one of three values: “Do Not Commit”, “Available Qty”, or “Complete Qty”.

    If there are a number of orders that you don’t intend to ship immediately, you can set all of the lines to “Do Not Commit”. If you have “PERFORM ITEM COMMITMENT AFTER TRANSACTION ENTRY”, then any items committed on these order will get recommitted to other orders.

    One big problem (for us) is that it is not possible to change the “Commit” behavior of a line containing a Kit/Package Item.

    I’m not aware of any way to script the inventory reallocation with the same kind of flexibility you get on the “Reallocate Items” page. (Hopefully somebody will correct me and tell me I am wrong.)

  • #6378 Score: 0

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    Thanks, that at least gets me limited functionality.

  • #6379 Score: 0

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    I’ve again been tasked with committing inventory from script when “PERFORM ITEM COMMITMENT AFTER TRANSACTION ENTRY” is disabled. Can this be done? Is there and enhancement request for this?

  • #6380 Score: 0

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    JCirocco Is this similar to what we’ve done???

  • #6381 Score: 0

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    David, No unfortunately

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