This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by ironside 7 years, 6 months ago.
August 29, 2016 at 11:52 am #6195
CyberGooI have worked long and hard on this, enjoy.
################################################## #################
# Sample_Netsuite_OAuth Script Using PowerShell.
# Created by Bob Caputo and Joshua Tellander.
# Use and revise as needed.
# No warranty or license is included.
# We will attempt to answer questions,
# we do not guarantee answers in a timely
# manner if at all.
# NetSuite declined to help because it is a
# PowerShell script and therefore
# “out of our scope”, per service case.
# Have fun!!!!!!!
################################################## #################
$oauth_consumer_secret = “xxx”;
$oauth_token_secret = “xxx”;
$HTTP_method = “GET”
$realm = “xxxxxxx”
#$base_url = “”
#$full_url = “″
$oauth_nonce = ”
$oauth_timestamp = ”
$oauth_nonce = Get-Random -Minimum 123400 -Maximum 9999999
$oauth_timestamp = [int64](([datetime]::UtcNow)-(get-date “1/1/1970”)).TotalSeconds
## Create oauth_signature string, order is extremely important.
## The ampersands are important too, string syntax is too.
$base_string = “deploy=1” + “&”;
$base_string += “oauth_consumer_key=” + $oauth_consumer_key + “&”;
$base_string += “oauth_nonce=” + $oauth_nonce + “&”;
$base_string += “oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1” + “&”;
$base_string += “oauth_timestamp=” + $oauth_timestamp + “&”;
$base_string += “oauth_token=” + $oauth_token + “&”;
$base_string += “oauth_version=” + $oauth_version + “&”;
$base_string += “script=271”;
Write-Host -BackgroundColor:Yellow -ForegroundColor:Blue “Sig Base Str: $base_string”
Write-Host ” ”
## URL-Encode the base string.
## A bit much but it works for OAuth 1.0
$base_string = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($base_string).Replace(“%2a”,”%2A”).Rep lace(“%2b”,”%2B”).Replace(“%2c”,”%2C”).Replace(“%2 d”,”%2D”).Replace(“%2e”,”%2E”).Replace(“%2f”,”% 2F” ).Replace(“%3a”,”%3A”).Replace(“%3b”,”%3B”).Replac e(“%3c”,”%3C”).Replace(“%3d”,”%3D”).Replace(“%3e “, “%3E”).Replace(“%3f”,”%3F”)
Write-Host -BackgroundColor:White -ForegroundColor:Red “Base 3: $base_string”
Write-Host ” ”
## Concatenate the result HTTP method, the URL-encoded Base URL and the result value using “&”
$url_base = “”
$url_base = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($url_base).Replace(“%2a”,”%2A”).Replac e(“%2b”,”%2B”).Replace(“%2c”,”%2C”).Replace(“%2d “, “%2D”).Replace(“%2e”,”%2E”).Replace(“%2f”,”%2F “).R eplace(“%3a”,”%3A”).Replace(“%3b”,”%3B”).Replace(” %3c”,”%3C”).Replace(“%3d”,”%3D”).Replace(“%3e”,”% 3 E”).Replace(“%3f”,”%3F”)
Write-Host -BackgroundColor:White -ForegroundColor:Red “URL Base: $url_base”
Write-Host ” ”
$base_string = $HTTP_method + “&” + $url_base + “&” + $base_string
Write-Host -BackgroundColor:White -ForegroundColor:Red “Base String: $base_string”
Write-Host ” ”
## Sign the result string using the consumer secret and token secret concatenated using “&”
$key = $oauth_consumer_secret + “&” + $oauth_token_secret;
Write-Host -BackgroundColor:White -ForegroundColor Blue “Step 6.1: $key”
## Now encrypt the oauth signature.
$hmacsha1 = new-object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA1;
$hmacsha1.Key = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($key);
$oauth_signature = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($hmacsha1.ComputeHash([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($base_string)));
Write-Host -BackgroundColor:White -ForegroundColor Blue “OAuth Sig: $oauth_signature”
Write-Host ” ”
## URL encode the oauth_signature
$oauth_signature = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($oauth_signature)
Write-Host -BackgroundColor:White -ForegroundColor:Blue “URL Encode Sig: $oauth_signature”
Write-Host ” ”
## Create Header, Order and quotes are very important.
$header = ” OAuth “;
$header += “oauth_signature=`”” + $oauth_signature + “`”,”;
$header += “oauth_version=`”” + “1.0`”,”;
$header += “oauth_nonce=`”” + $oauth_nonce + “`”,”;
$header += “oauth_signature_method=`”” + “HMAC-SHA1`”,”;
$header += “oauth_consumer_key=`”” + $oauth_consumer_key + “`”,”;
$header += “oauth_token=`”” + $oauth_token + “`”,”;
$header += “oauth_timestamp=`”” + $oauth_timestamp + “`”,”;
$header += “realm=`”” + “1234567`””;
Write-Host -BackgroundColor:White -ForegroundColor:Blue “Header: $header”
Write-Host ” ”
try {
## This is were the action happens.
[System.Net.HttpWebRequest] $r = [System.Net.HttpWebRequest] [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create(“”)
$r.Method = “GET”
$r.ContentType = “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”;
$r.Headers.Add(“Authorization”, $header);
$hedStr = $r.Headers.GetValues(“Authorization”);
[System.Net.WebResponse] $resp = $r.GetResponse();
$rs = $resp.GetResponseStream();
[System.IO.StreamReader] $sr = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader -argumentList $rs;
[string] $results = $sr.ReadToEnd();
} catch [System.Net.WebException] {
Write-Warning $_
if ($_.response)
if ($sr)
if ($resp)
This is a cached copy. Click here to see the original post. -
May 2, 2017 at 2:01 pm #6196
srodriguezThis helped a lot. thank you sir!
May 4, 2017 at 10:09 pm #6197
ironsideNote that ‘no license’ typically means nobody can use it….
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