This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by chanarbon 7 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #21820 Score: 0

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    Has anyone been able to get the nlapiSendEmail function to work utilizing exchange Distribution Lists as the recipient? I currently have a script where I have to maintain individual email addresses directly in the script which is awful. NetSuite sent me a SuiteAnswer saying you could build the list as a group and the function would work properly but that's not true.
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  • #21821 Score: 0

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    How did you create your group? Is this an external MS exchange group? Or are you wanting to use the NetSuite groups?

    If you use a NetStuite group, when you create the group you can assign an email address to the group. I believe you can then just use that email to send to everyone.

  • #21822 Score: 0

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    I was able to find where the problem was occurring. Surprisingly it had nothing to do with NetSuite. It was actually an issue with the way the Distribution Lists were setup in our O365 instance. There is a checkbox that says something along the lines of Only Internal or Authenticated Users can email this distribution list. By unselecting this option, the O365 filtering now allows on outside entity (NetSuite) to utilize those DLs.

  • #21823 Score: 0

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    As long as the distribution list is setup properly on the email server, NetSuite should be forwarding the message to the server and the email server should distribute it to the members of the distro.

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