This topic contains 9 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by wwinters 9 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #9994


    I have a VERY simple workflow that sends an email when a new Lead record is created from our customers webstore.

    If I manually create the test lead record manually through the user interface, my workflow is triggered and the email is sent.

    If I go to the webstore and create a new customer, netsuite creates a lead. I see under system notes the state is Webstore create by -system-, I look at the workflow history and it never entered the workflow.

    Workflow is create with:

    Record Type Customer

    Subtype Lead

    Release status is released

    Event based

    On Create

    No event type or context selected.

    I am ripping what little hair I have left out…
    This is a cached copy. Click here to see the original post.

  • #9995


    We had a similar issue where workflows were not firing for web store, and support told us that for some reason that wasn’t explained, that the web store subtype is always customer, NOT lead. So, you we had to add customer as a subtype. What we did, because we did not want ALL customers entered to fire the workflow was also add WebStore as the context.

    Hope that helps!


  • #9996


    THANKS! Will try that.

  • #9997


    I still cannot get this working… I have my entry state that I added a Send Email to with no criteria to test, all customers send an email which is expected. I created a new state and created a transition on Web Lead = Checked and the website created customer never enters that transition/state. I admit I am not an expert at workflows but this has got me stumped.

  • #9998


    I’m wondering if that web lead checkbox is checked off by the system AFTER the workflow fires. Our workflow is context based on Web Store.



  • #9999


    Wes, Cannot find field “context”

  • #10000


    Sorry! Was talking about the ‘Context’ of the Workflow action.


  • #10001


    Oh, thanks

  • #10002


    Wes, thanks for the help. Got it to work. Amazed that such an easy workflow drove me so crazy. Also surprised that the Web Lead=Y wouldn’t work.

  • #10003



    I think that workflows are entirely too arcane. I’d much rather script everything.


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