This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Nelliott 8 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #6665


    Hello I am trying to modify a custom body field on a sales order. The customfields are custbody_order_status(a dropdown) and custbody_move_confirmed(a checkbox). How would i check the checkbox via the API?

    When I run this script I get UPDATE SUCCESS, id 114467, but the fields are not changed in the record. Is there something wrong with my code?

    PHP Code:

    $customStringFieldList = new StringCustomFieldRef();  
    $customStringFieldList->internalId = “custbody_order_status”;  
    $customStringFieldList->value = utf8_encode(“Cancelled”);  

    $customSelectFieldList = new SelectCustomFieldRef();  
    $customSelectFieldList->value = new ListOrRecordRef();  
    $customSelectFieldList->value->internalId = 49;  
    $customSelectFieldList->internalId = ‘custbody_move_confirmed’;  

    $basicCustomRecord = new SalesOrder();
    $basicCustomRecord->internalId = “114467”; // internal id of the custom record you want to update  
    $basicCustomRecord->recType = new RecordRef();
    $basicCustomRecord->customFieldList = new CustomFieldList();
    $basicCustomRecord->customFieldList->customField = array($customStringFieldList,$customSelectFieldList);  
    $updateRequest = new UpdateRequest();  

    $updateRequest->record = $basicCustomRecord;  

    $updateResponse = $service->update($updateRequest);  
    if (!$updateResponse->writeResponse->status->isSuccess)
     echo “UPDATE ERROR”;      exit();  
    else {    
     echo “UPDATE SUCCESS, id ” . $updateResponse->writeResponse->baseRef->internalId;
    This is a cached copy. Click here to see the original post.

  • #6666


    I cannot comment on your code but you set the value of a checkbox to the string “T” to “check” it.

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