This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by nicolas.habak 8 years, 3 months ago.
August 1, 2016 at 12:56 pm #2617
lmccamyOur Customer ID field (EntityID) is set when a client is set up. We have had issues with people accidentally overwriting the field and would like to lock it down. I tried creating a workflow to make it inline text if the role isn’t an Administrator, but I can’t find the field anywhere. I tried using External ID, but it did nothing for me. Is there a way to lock the field down?
To make it more complicated, we have different types of customers and I only want it locked down for some of the customers, based on a custom field. However, I can’t find the custom field in the list to create a condition.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
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August 1, 2016 at 1:31 pm #2618
david.smithUser Event Script (before load). Should be pretty simple and quick to do.
form.getField(‘entityid’).setDisplayType(‘disabled ‘)
You’ll want to add your other criteria around this.
August 1, 2016 at 3:10 pm #2619
nicolas.habakFirst, create a workflow and set these field values:
RECORD TYPE (recordtype): Customer
SUB TYPES (recordtypes): select the ones you need (you may select more than one)
ON CREATE (initoncreate): unchecked
ON VIEW OR UPDATE (initonvieworupdate): checked
TRIGGER TYPE (inittriggertype): Before Record Load
EVENT TYPES (initeventtypes): Edit
For the CONDITION (initconditiontext) field, click on the square with the arrow and add a line with these values:
FIELD: User Role
SELECTION: Administrator
Then save everything.
Once the workflow is created, it will show up and you can go ahead and select State 1. Click the pen icon to show the Workflow state. Click the “New Action” button and choose Set Field Display Type.
Set the fields:
TRIGGER ON (triggertype): Before Record Load
EVENT TYPES (eventtypes): Edit
FIELD (field): Name/ID
DISPLAY TYPE (displaytype): Disabled
For the CONDITION (conditiontext), click on the square with the arrow and add a new line, leaving the Record column blank should let you find the custom field you are looking for.
Save everything.
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