This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Jordan Manningham 7 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #5594 Score: 0

    Jordan Manningham
    • Contributions: 0
    • Level 1

    Hi All,

    I’ve been working on a project that requires generating a PDF which of course requires some knowledge of HTML and CSS. The part I’m stuck on requires some JavaScript though I’m not sure how to tie both languages together using

    tags. The intended purpose of this portion of the script is to create a table with X amount of rows where X is the number of members./components that an item record has. I’ve been trying practically everything that any relevant resource says but still no luck. Right now the script produces an error
    (TypeError: <script type="text/javascript"> is not a function, it is string. (pef_to_pdf.js$262376#199))

    The part that screws me up is document.getElementById. Every resource I’ve found indicates some use of it for this purpose. Is this the right function to use and is my

    in the right place? This is my first attempt at HTML/CSS.


    var line1 = [];
    var line2 = [];
    var line3 = [];
    var line4 = [];
    var line5 = [];
    var line6 = [];
    var line7 = [];
    var line8 = [];
    var line9 = [];
    var line10 = [];
    var line11 = [];
    var line12 = [];
    var line13 = [];
    var line14 = [];
    var line15 = [];
    var line16 = [];
    var line17 = [];
    var line18 = [];
    var line19 = [];
    var line20 = [];
    var components = [line1, line2, line3, line4, line5, line6, line7, line8, line9, line10, line11, line12, line13, line14, line15, line16, line17, line18, line19, line20];
    function xyz(){
    var loadSearch = nlapiLoadSearch('customrecord139', 'customsearch710');
    var getData = loadSearch.runSearch();
    var all_results = getData.getResults(0, 1);
    var all_col = all_results[0].getAllColumns();
    var o_id = all_results[0].getValue('custrecord196');
    var o_rt = all_results[0].getValue('custrecord197');
    var o_r = nlapiLoadRecord(o_rt, o_id);    // Loads the correct item record
    var lines = o_r.getLineItemCount('member');
    for (var mem = 1; mem <= lines; mem++){
    components[mem - 1][0] = o_r.getLineItemText('member', 'item', mem);
    components[mem - 1][1] = o_r.getLineItemText('member', 'memberdescr', mem);
    components[mem - 1][2] = o_r.getLineItemText('member', 'quantity', mem);
    components[mem - 1][3] = o_r.getLineItemText('member', 'memberunit', mem);
    var xml = '<?xml version="1.0"?>'
    xml += '<!DOCTYPE pdf PUBLIC "-//" "report-1.1.dtd">'
    xml += '<pdf>'
    xml +=        '<head>'
    xml +=        '<script type="text/javascript">'                          (window.onload = function () {                    for(var i = 1; i < lines; i++){                            var bom = document.getElementById("bom");                            var tbody = document.createElement("tbody");                            var tr = document.createElement("tr");                            var td = document.createElement("td");                            var txt = document.createTextNode(components[i][0]);                            td.appendChild(txt);                            tr.appendChild(td);                    }                    tbody.appendChild(tr);                    bom.appendChild(tbody);                }) 
    xml +=        '</script>'< -- Style -- >
    <-- /head -- >
    < -- body -- >
    <-- tables -- >xml +=        '<div>' 
    xml +=            '<table id="bom">'
    xml +=                '<tr>'
    xml +=                    '<th align="center" colspan="4" style="font-size:14px;"><b>Bill of Materials</b></th>'
    xml +=                '</tr>'
    xml +=                '<tr>'
    xml +=                    '<th align="center" style="font-size:12px;">Item</th>'
    xml +=                    '<th align="center" style="font-size:12px;">Description</th>'
    xml +=                    '<th align="center" style="font-size:12px;">Quantity</th>'
    xml +=                    '<th align="center" style="font-size:12px;">Units</th>'
    xml +=                '</tr>'
    xml +=            '</table>'
    xml +=        '</div>'
    xml +=        '</body>'
    xml += '</pdf>';
    response.renderPDF(xml);        //TESTING WITH ITEM 6700-55

    This is a cached copy. Click here to see the original post.

  • #5595 Score: 0

    • Contributions: 0
    • Level 1

    I don’t think you want to try and put your script into the xml for the PDF. A PDF document is not able to modify itself like this. There are quite a few things here I would change but basically you will want your ‘xml’ to be the complete before rendering it. So use your ‘lines’ loop to create the table data as a string and then just insert that into the ‘xml’.

  • #5596 Score: 0

    Jordan Manningham
    • Contributions: 0
    • Level 1

    david.smith You’re a genius. That makes so much sense and I’m jealous I didn’t think of it haha. Will make corrections to my code and report back. Thanks!

    david.smith replied on 02/02/2017, 02:54 PM: hahaha – shhhhhh, don’t tell anyone those kinda things.

    Let me know how it goes.

  • #5597 Score: 0

    Jordan Manningham
    • Contributions: 0
    • Level 1

    david.smith It worked like a charm!

    //Components – Bill of Materials
    var lines = o_r.getLineItemCount(‘member’);
    var bom_string;
    for (var mem = 1; mem <= lines; mem++){
    components[mem – 1][0] = o_r.getLineItemText('member', 'item', mem);
    components[mem – 1][1] = o_r.getLineItemValue('member', 'memberdescr', mem);
    components[mem – 1][2] = o_r.getLineItemValue('member', 'quantity', mem);
    components[mem – 1][3] = o_r.getLineItemValue('member', 'memberunit', mem);
    bom_string += '

    ‘ + components[mem – 1][0] + ‘ ‘ + components[mem – 1][1] +
    ‘ ‘ +components[mem – 1][2] + ‘ ‘ + components[mem – 1][3] + ‘


    while (bom_string.indexOf(‘ & ‘) != -1){
    bom_string = bom_string.replace(‘ & ‘, ‘ & ‘);

    while (bom_string.indexOf(‘null’) != -1){
    bom_string = bom_string.replace(‘null’, ‘ ‘);

    david.smith replied on 02/17/2017, 09:37 AM: You could also try nlapiEscapeXML(bom_string).

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