This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by sklett 14 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #4303


    I’m experimenting with the bundler to learn how to get data and settings back and forth from sandbox to production. My first test was a single saved search with some email recipients defined, both static and dynamic.

    After installing to the sandbox the recipients were gone. Great, what else doesn’t make it over when installing bundles? That one single test has shaken my confidence in this method to transfer my work.

    Is this a know issue? Anyone have any experience using Suite Bundles as an interchange between accounts? What else is ignored or lost?

    I opened a case as I consider this a defect, but we’ll see.

    Your Customer Care Case # is 975971
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  • #4304


    Hi Steve,

    The only objects that can be included in a bundle are customization objects. We always null out the underlying โ€œdataโ€ that may be referenced by the custom objects. For example, if your saved search includes criteria set to a specific customer or employee, it will be nulled out upon installing the bundle because that entity may not exist in the target account. The same is true for email recipients. I can see this is not ideal for Sandbox->Production scenarios but if you think about the general use cases for SuiteBundler going from any account to any account, it makes sense.

  • #4305


    RE: Installing bundle to sandbox dropped recipients from Saved search

    Hi Elham,

    I agree that for general use cases this makes more sense. What’s confusing me is that it was only the “Recipients from Results” that was cleared out, the other specific recipients remained intact. I also don’t understand why the Recipients from Results would not carry over as this is not a link to a specific record.

    Maybe I’m crazy, I will be performing this operation again this evening or tomorrow and will update this thread if indeed things happen as I recall. If they do, then it would be the opposite of what you have stated.

  • #4306


    As you point out “Recipients from Results” should be carried over but it is currently not being bundled. We will add this and will update your case. I am surprised you say the “Specific Recipients” are being carried over. These shouldn’t because they point to entity records. If you re-ran your test, can you please confirm if they were coming over?

  • #4307


    RE: Installing bundle to sandbox dropped recipients from Saved search


    I just did the test and I must have been mistaken before. The results of my Production -> Sandbox install:One static recipient retained (me, and that actually makes sense because it knows I exist)
    All dynamic recipients retained (this is NOT what happened the last time I did this)
    One static dropped (however the recipient existed in both accounts, but from what you’ve said this is by design)
    I can’t explain the different result in #2. I did see a Issue notification for this, but I doubt it was fixed and rolled out that quickly. I’ll try a couple more tests and see what happens.

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