RE: Importing large amounts of receipts by CSV import
Hi Rob
Thanks for the advice, I found the help section and it was useful. I have managed to work out how to upload the receipts by CSV but can’t work out how to get them to allocate against the invoices. My original map to upload the receipts was as follows:
My CSV – Netsuite Field
Customer Payment
Customer – Cust
1.00 – Exch Rate
Ext ID – Ext ID
24/5/10 – Date
I reviewed the results and noticed the payment hadn’t allocated to the invoice so tried again using the map above and adding the following to the bottom:
Customer Payment Invoices
Value – Invoices: Payment (req)
Inv No – Invoices: Invoices (req)
But I got the following error message:
Unparseable Internal Id, did you mean to lookup this field by Name or External ID? for field “Invoice”
Do you know what I am doing wrong?