I seemed to have solved the issue of pulling the search for the item cards. I used the link:
/app/common/search/searchresults.nl?searchid=XXX&Transaction_ITEM={in ternalid}&submitter=Submit&whence=
Where XXX is the search.
Now to further my question, now I want to put this link into a purchase order as either a body or column field.
If it is a body field, I want it to filter the search based on the items that are on the sales order lines.
If it is a column field, I’d want it to filter the search based on the line id of that column.
The second idea seems more feasible as I don’t know how you would get it to filter on multiple items without using some scripting.
What would be the equivalent of Transaction_ITEM for an item in the row of a sales order? Also what would be the other side instead of {internalid}?