This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by michoel 7 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #2265


    I have HTML an item field ${item.item.storedetaileddescription}. Is there a way I can render basicic HTML




    , sourced from an item.field etc into a PDF dynamically created from an Advanced/PDF/HTML Template?

    An example of the item field code ${item.item.storedetaileddescription} might look like this sample;

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ut turpis ullamcorper, convallis purus nec, lobortis felis. Nulla ligula metus, lobortis eget erat et, iaculis cursus dui. Etiam quis nibh in neque ultrices congue at sed ligula. Fusce aliquet a sem sed tincidunt. Proin vel leo at neque venenatis volutpat et vel nisi. Vivamus pulvinar ornare risus in tempor. Aenean quis elementum purus, a dignissim ante. Proin ultricies aliquet leo eu bibendum. Maecenas eu imperdiet enim. Maecenas vel efficitur velit, at feugiat felis. Sed et sapien quis sem pretium efficitur. Morbi magna dui, suscipit nec vehicula id, sollicitudin vitae diam. Quisque a elementum nisl.

    HTML Code:


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  • #2266


    This should be possible, though you would most probably have to create a Custom Transaction Column field to source the Item field for it to be available to the template.

    Also, if you find that the HTML is getting auto escaped, you may need to use the `no_esc` built-in to prevent this.


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