This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by matthewjiang 7 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #5641 Score: 0

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    Happy new year!

    ​Here is old issue from last year. =_=. In Suitelet page, the page navigation drop-down list does not work. How can I show all results on current page without using page navigation. My purpose is to make a custom search with searching fields and result on one page. I can use nlobjForm or nlobjList to generate a Suitelet page , but

    ​1) With using nlobjForm , the page navigation does not work;

    ​2) with using nlobjList , I can’t show search fields on the page.

    3) Also, by using HTML, how to handle search fields, Can Netsuite respond html form?

    Is there some way to handle this situation.



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  • #5642 Score: 0

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    I’ve often handled my own pagination by using nlobSublist.addButton to add PREVIOUS PAGE and NEXT PAGE buttons. On click of those buttons, you can redirect to the URL with a parameter such as &page=2. Then when the suitelet runs again, it can use .getResults(x, y) to get the correct result set.

  • #5643 Score: 0

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    Sorry, I have not figure it out. My button didn’t go anywhere. It confused me how to use redirect URL correctly. Here is the code in my Suitelet script:

    var currPage = request.getParameter(‘page’);

    var itemName = request.getParameter(‘custpage_bsdi_item’);

    var lotNo = request.getParameter(‘custpage_bsdi_lotnumber’);

    var tempSearch = nlapiCreateSearch(recordId, filters1, columns1);

    var tempSearchSet = tempSearch.runSearch();

    var results1 = tempSearchSet.getResults(currPage * 25 – 24, currPage * 25);

    var urlParams = {

    custpage_bsdi_item : ”,

    custpage_bsdi_lotnumber : ”,

    page : currPage+1


    var script = ‘nlapiSetRedirectURL(“SUITELET”, “customscript21”, “customdeploy1”, null, urlParams)’;

    form.addButton(‘custombuttonnext’, ‘Next Page’, script);



    There should be something wrong. Please let me know.

    Thanks a lot.

  • #5644 Score: 0

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    Hi Matt, it looks like your code confuses client and server script. For clarity, it may be easiest to create a separate client script that includes the client script methods including the button click function. Then, you can use form.setScript() to associate your client script with the Suitelet.

    Also, I don’t believe that nlapiSetRedirectURL would be valid in this context. Since the client script runs within the browser, simply window.location = ‘’ would trigger a redirect.

  • #5645 Score: 0

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    Thank you. It works.

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