This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by cja 7 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #21860 Score: 0

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  • #21861 Score: 0
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    Hi cja,

    For your problems: The time is wrong.
    The seconds are zeroed.

    Let's start off with the easier one: the seconds being zeroed. You're using 'datetime', which returns hours and minutes. To get seconds, use 'datetimetz'

    As for why the time is incorrect, you're correct in identifying it as a timezone issue. The time is being set in Pacific (-8), and your NetSuite instance is likely using GMT (+0). If we look at the times:

    PST: 2017-02-10T18:24:02.000Z

    GMT: 2017-02-11T02:24:00.000Z

    The GMT time is 8 hours ahead of the PST time, resulting in a new day.

    If the script is server-side, it is converting the time to whichever timezone is set in your NetSuite instance; if it's client-side, it's converting the time to the local computer's time zone. You may need to convert the returned date from nlapiStringToDate into the desired timezone.

  • #21862 Score: 0

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    The SO question now has an answer.

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