This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by srussell 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #10096


    We have multiple workflows that add a custom print button to a sales order. Upon button click the workflow transitions to a state that runs a script to generate a custom pdf printout. We have recently discovered that if the button is not clicked, the workflow never exits the button state. This allows a button to continue to appear even after a workflow is set to not running. Is there a way to exit a button workflow state if the button is not clicked?
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  • #10097


    By setting workflow definition to not running an Admin is saying that no new workflows instances should be created. If workflow is already running then Admin can cancel particular workflow instance from record’s page > System Information tab > Active Workflows tab.

  • #10098


    I have 11036 transactions that the button shows up on. It is not really an option to have the Admin go to each record and cancel the workflow. Even though the workflow is set to not running, if the button is clicked, the form will print. I understand that I can inactivate the state to remove the button from the form. I want to know if I have any other options to get out of the button state besides the button click.

  • #10099


    Workflows on all those transactions can be cancelled via single MassUpdate. Another option is to change the workflow the way that it is not pending in that particular state. Change in wf definition will affect all transactions with instance of that particular workflow.

    The workflow does only what you design and there is number of options how to leave the state where button is added. E.g. create another transition to a end state and set the transition as scheduled. Workflow will move to end state e.g. in 20 hrs after it entered to the state with button.

    To be able to help you more I would have to see the wf.

  • #10100


    I have a similar situation. A button is added under certain criteria and it sometimes gets stuck when the criteria no longer applies. I have the mass update running to cancel inappropriately active instances of the workflow, but it can only run once a day on schedule. Is there an alternative that would run more frequently?

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