This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by michoel 8 years, 1 month ago.
October 19, 2016 at 4:10 pm #23082
btgoligowski24I'm wondering if someone can tell me if it's possible to set the criteria of a search to search all of a sublist (essentially saying none of them can be this) instead of letting the search evaluate to T based on one result. An example is the best way i can think to show this. I want to set up a workflow around this but am struggling coming up with the proper search criteria.
Customer based workflow, therefore needs to be a customer based search
2 different conditions for 2 different actions:
condition 1: customer has an existing open opportunity > action 1 happens
condition 2: customer does not have an existing open opportunity > action 2 happens
The problem is that condition 2 tends to trump condition 1 because our customers can have multiple opportunities. Customer XYZ has a previous Closed Lost opportunity but is now back in the mix again, so we create a second/new opportunity that is now open. Well, this customer now winds up in both condition groups because of multiple opps fulfilling respective criteria. I want to set it to evaluate on the whole group rather than just finding 1 and being done. Each one is it's own search, I'm not trying to drive everything off one search. Can someone help me figure out how to set this up? Hopefully I've explained it well enough. Thanks!
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October 19, 2016 at 6:53 pm #23083
michoelThis should be achievable using "Summary Criteria"…n_N647835.html
Search Type: Customer
Criteria – SummarySummary Type: Sum
Field: Formula (Numeric)
Description: is greater than 0
Formula: CASE WHEN {transaction.type} = 'Opportunity' AND {transaction.status} = 'In Progress' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
Results:Internal ID (Summary Type = Group)
Name (Summary Type = Maximum)
btgoligowski24 replied on 10/20/2016, 02:11 PM: That worked beautifully! Thanks! I [obviously] hadn’t though about using a CASE formula to set and sum values for opps.
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