This topic contains 8 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by VerdeOS 7 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #21701 Score: 0

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    In javascript setTimeout (); is used

    But in NetSuite it sends the error; function not found.

    What function can I use in NetSuite to generate the delay?

    Thank you
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  • #21702 Score: 0

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    There is no such behavior available in (server-side) SuiteScript.

    VerdeOS replied on 05/15/2017, 10:19 AM: Hi Ironside

    I’m afraid you’re right

    I call SuiteCloud and they told me that there is no API for a delay on NetSuite

  • #21703 Score: 0

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    I have used setTimeOut in my code.


    yourcode here….



    VerdeOS replied on 05/15/2017, 10:21 AM: Hi Vesku


    yourcode here….


    Did this work for you?

    I try to use that function but it generates error


  • #21704 Score: 0

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    Yes, it is in use, but in client side.

    ​​​​​What is your script doing that you need a delay in it?

    VerdeOS replied on 05/15/2017, 02:15 PM: I have a button on a CustomRec, this should create a check.

    The problem is this; The check form has a bank account for “default”, when a vendor is assigned automatically the bank account, subsidiary and currency are updated.

    But to update it takes 3 seconds so I need to pause, something like this;

    var recCheck = nlapiCreateRecord(‘check’); // create check

    var montoCheck = (antiTotalOC/cantAnti);

    var montoFixed = montoCheck.toFixed(2);

    nlapiLogExecution(“DEBUG”, ” montoFixed: ” , montoFixed);


    recCheck.setFieldValue(‘entity’, prov); //set vendor value

    nlapiLogExecution(“DEBUG”, ” prov: ” , prov);

    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Wait 3 seconds////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    recCheck.setFieldValue(‘subsidiary’,sub); // set the rest of the values to the check

    nlapiLogExecution(“DEBUG”, ” sub: ” , sub);

    recCheck.setFieldValue(‘department’, depto);

    nlapiLogExecution(“DEBUG”, ” depto: ” , depto);

    recCheck.setFieldValue(‘class’, clase);

    nlapiLogExecution(“DEBUG”, ” clase: ” , clase);

    recCheck.setFieldValue(‘location’, ubic);

    nlapiLogExecution(“DEBUG”, ” ubic: ” , ubic);

    recCheck.setFieldValue(‘usertotal’, montoFixed);

    nlapiLogExecution(“DEBUG”, ” montoFixed: ” , montoFixed);

    recCheck.setFieldText(‘currency’, moneda);

    recCheck.setFieldValue(‘account’, cuenta);

    nlapiLogExecution(“DEBUG”, ” cuenta: ” , cuenta);

    recCheck.setLineItemValue(‘item’,’item’, 1, artiLst);

    recCheck.setLineItemValue(‘item’,’rate’, 1, montoFixed);

    var dateCheck = recCheck.getFieldValue(‘trandate’);

    var idCheck = nlapiSubmitRecord(recCheck,true); //submit the record

  • #21705 Score: 0

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    You could create a loop to emulate setTimeout, it's not efficient but does work. See how I did it here:…r-side-script/

    ironside replied on 05/15/2017, 08:14 PM: shame on developers for doing this, but shame on NetSuite if they actually allow it!

  • #21706 Score: 0

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    Why do you need this delay? What happens without it?

    Since the record is being created server-side, the record being created should be in Standard mode, so no sourcing should happen any way until you submit the entire record.

  • #21707 Score: 0

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    Why don't you execute client side script from button that creates the record, there you can use wait function.

    I had a similar case but with creating a new workorder.

  • #21708 Score: 0

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    Originally posted by borncorp

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    Just saying… if Netsuite didn't disallowed it, it means it was consensual.

    That statement is a non sequitur

  • #21709 Score: 0

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    And solve the problem even if you do not use the delay,

    I did not find the way to create it properly

    thank you for your advices

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