This topic contains 7 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by saenzmariano 7 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #5772 Score: 0

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    In javascript setTimeout (); is used

    But in NetSuite it sends the error; function not found.

    What function can I use in NetSuite to generate the delay?

    Thank you
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  • #5773 Score: 0

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    Try window.setTimeout(FunctionName(), 10)

    VerdeOS replied on 05/05/2017, 01:40 PM: Hi Zack

    I already deal with that function and it gives me the error mentioned (function not found)

    Already use;

    * window.setTimeout(funcion(), 5000)

    *setTimeout(funcion(), 5000)

    * nlobj.setTimeout(funcion(), 5000)

  • #5774 Score: 0

    Olivier Gagnon NC
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    Why do you want a delay, where does this come in?

    VerdeOS replied on 05/05/2017, 01:51 PM: Hi oliver

    I have a button on a CustomRec, this should create a check.

    The problem is this; The check form has a bank account for “default”, when a vendor is assigned automatically the bank account, subsidiary and currency are updated.

    But to update it takes 3 seconds so I need to pause, something like this;

    var recCheck = nlapiCreateRecord(‘check’); // create check

    var montoCheck = (antiTotalOC/cantAnti);

    var montoFixed = montoCheck.toFixed(2);

    nlapiLogExecution(“DEBUG”, ” montoFixed: ” , montoFixed);


    recCheck.setFieldValue(‘entity’, prov); //set vendor value

    nlapiLogExecution(“DEBUG”, ” prov: ” , prov);

    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Wait 3 seconds////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    recCheck.setFieldValue(‘subsidiary’,sub); // set the rest of the values to the check

    nlapiLogExecution(“DEBUG”, ” sub: ” , sub);

    recCheck.setFieldValue(‘department’, depto);

    nlapiLogExecution(“DEBUG”, ” depto: ” , depto);

    recCheck.setFieldValue(‘class’, clase);

    nlapiLogExecution(“DEBUG”, ” clase: ” , clase);

    recCheck.setFieldValue(‘location’, ubic);

    nlapiLogExecution(“DEBUG”, ” ubic: ” , ubic);

    recCheck.setFieldValue(‘usertotal’, montoFixed);

    nlapiLogExecution(“DEBUG”, ” montoFixed: ” , montoFixed);

    recCheck.setFieldText(‘currency’, moneda);

    recCheck.setFieldValue(‘account’, cuenta);

    nlapiLogExecution(“DEBUG”, ” cuenta: ” , cuenta);

    recCheck.setLineItemValue(‘item’,’item’, 1, artiLst);

    recCheck.setLineItemValue(‘item’,’rate’, 1, montoFixed);

    var dateCheck = recCheck.getFieldValue(‘trandate’);

    var idCheck = nlapiSubmitRecord(recCheck,true); //submit the record

  • #5775 Score: 0

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    You can get the start time for the script and run the logic for code in a FOR loop after 3 sec. So, you might have to do something like this :

    var start = new Date().getTime(); for (var i = 0; i milliseconds){ break; }

    VerdeOS replied on 05/10/2017, 10:06 AM: Okay, I’ll try to use it.

    Thank you

  • #5776 Score: 0

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    Do you have 2 functions then? One for the bit above the delay and one for the bit after it?

    >I already deal with that function and it gives me the error mentioned (function not found)

    “Try window.setTimeout(FunctionName(), 10)”. Are you putting your function name for the second half under the delay in for “FunctionName”?

    VerdeOS replied on 05/15/2017, 10:03 AM: Hi Zack

    If I put the name of the function in “functionName” but I am afraid that there is no such API for NetSuite.

    Call NetSuite to the SuiteCloud area, I was told that in NetSuite there is no API to create a delay

  • #5777 Score: 0

    Chuan Zhuo
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    Hi VerdeOS,

    Before go to wait 3 second approach.

    Did you try CreateRecord in dynamic mode, in SS1.0, use the initializeValues parameter for entity.nlapiCreateRecord(type, initializeValues)

    VerdeOS replied on 05/15/2017, 10:13 AM: Hi Chuan

    It’s a good idea, I do not even try with initializeValues for the provider, I’ll try it at the moment.

    Thank you

  • #5778 Score: 0

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    Is the delay due to sourcing? If yes, when calling nlapiSetFieldValue(), set the synchronous parameter to true

    VerdeOS replied on 05/15/2017, 10:14 AM: Hi Teddy,

    I do not understand the synchronous parameter well but I will look for information about it and see how it works

    Thank you

  • #5779 Score: 0

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    This needs to be moved to the SuiteScript forum.

    VerdeOS replied on 05/19/2017, 08:30 AM: And solve the problem even if you do not use the delay,

    I did not find the way to create it properly

    thank you for your advices

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