This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Gabukun 8 years ago.

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  • #6592


    Hello everyone,

    I’m new to SuiteTalk RESTlets and Microsoft Power Query alike. My goal is to enhance the BI capabilities of NetSuite via Microsoft Power BI.

    Having managed to run my REST GET request in Postman,

    I need help in replicating the call in Microsoft Power Query.

    Has anybody experience in Microsoft Power Query and would know what needs to be changed in my code?
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  • #6593


    Hi @Gabukun,

    Instead of using the Query, why not add the information in the URL for the Web Content. That worked for my end. Or instead using the URL as the host + RelativePath and Query.

  • #6594


    Hey @chanarbon,

    Thanks for the reply. Indeed, the parameters can be included in the URL, I noticed. I’m stuck with the problem that “the end of the buffer” would be reached. Have you encountered that before? Would you pull the data via XML instead? (What is the contenttype in that case?)

    Findings so far:Parameters can be included in the URL.
    The preconfigured header contenttype does not work. Follow the one in the screenshot.
    When initially running the request, Power Query will prompt in what format the responsed shall be “opened as”. I select json according to contenttype application/json.
    When selecting json, Power Query will delete your custom header and prompt that authentication failed. You need to manually reinsert it in the query.

  • #6595


    I have found the case for the cryptic error message. The respective RESTlet was in Testing mode. While my login credentials and Administrator role where valid, the RESTlet would only provide data to the script owner in Testing mode.

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