This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by david.smith 7 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #21842 Score: 0

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    I am extremely new to not only scripting but SuiteScript as well (as in this is the second attempt at making a script for me). I need to set a field on a Sales Order (Lead Source) to a certain value if the customer's category is set to eCommerce. This is a User Event script set to Before Record Load. My script is:

    var stCustomerCat = nlapiLookupField('customer', 21, 'category');

    if (stCustomerCat == 'eCommerce') {

    nlapiSetFieldValue('leadsource', '1788', false);

    When uploaded, it does not behave the way I want. I tinkered around with it and changed it to (changing the == to = in the if statement):

    var stCustomerCat = nlapiLookupField('customer', 21, 'category');

    if (stCustomerCat = 'eCommerce') {

    nlapiSetFieldValue('leadsource', '1788', false);

    Using this code, it will set the Lead Source to the lead source id 1788, but it will set it to that no matter the customer category. I cannot get this to set the Lead Source to internal ID 1788 for ONLY eCommerce customers for the life of me. I know it's probably something incredibly easy and hoping someone can point that out to me.
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  • #21843 Score: 0

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    nlapiLookupField will return an ID not a text unless you use the last parameter and set it to true.

  • #21844 Score: 0

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    Hey David,

    I figured out a few other issues with my script as I kept poking around and actually got it working. Thank you for the response!

  • #21845 Score: 0

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    erictgrubaugh is a great resource for training if you're interested in learning from someone that really knows what they're doing.

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