This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by chanarbon 8 years ago.

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  • #6590


    Hello everyone,

    With reference to the Azure AD NetSuite app tutorial on Microsoft, I would like to know whether anybody got the app running in their sandbox environment.

    I am stuck with the NetSuite error message “Exception while processing SAML response: []”. Based on SuiteAnswers article 43466, this is due to incorrect SAML request attributes. My attributes are limited to the mandatory static account ID, the mandatory useridentifier and the mail address. Tracing the SAML request with Firefox SAML Tracer, though, reveals that all original attributes (as in the screenshots in the tutorial) persist. Hence, changes in the attribute list are not included in the actual SAML request. (See my comments on said tutorial page).

    Meanwhile, account provisioning works. Please take note, though, that you cannot target the system account and if you provision with a user account with access to several system accounts, you will only find out which account receives the provisoning requests by testing. My advice is to set up an additional user account for account provisioning only and suck up the subscription fee.

    Has anybody managed to get SAMl access running via the Azure AD app?

    What attributes are you using?

    What field in the NetSuite UI does the default attribute nameidentifier relate to?
    This is a cached copy. Click here to see the original post.

  • #6591


    Hi @Gabukun

    I have tried setting the mentioned app on my end and pretty much the details on the tutorial worked on my end. My Azure account has a vanilla setup so pretty much it should work on my end and I used the same attributes as the one in the tutorial. The nameidentifer would normally pertain an identifier of the user which in the NetSuite account be email address. To note that the nameidentifier in the SAML specs would refer to different attributes.

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