I’ve been tasked with creating partial timesheets for users with data from a third party system. In order to do this I need to search for existing time sheets for a particular user to see if they already exist and then see if I can add time to the timesheet.
I have managed a simple search which has returned my previously created timesheet but it has not brought with it the existing TimeEntry records. The timeGridList field is null.
public void GetTimesheet() {
// find me
var usr = GetEmployee(122);
var usrId = usr.internalId;
RecordRef usrRef = new RecordRef() {
internalId = usrId,
type = RecordType.employee,
typeSpecified = true
// look for timesheets
TimeSheetSearchBasic tssb = new TimeSheetSearchBasic() {
employee = new SearchMultiSelectField() {
@operator = SearchMultiSelectFieldOperator.anyOf,
operatorSpecified = true,
searchValue = new RecordRef[] { usrRef }
SearchResult searchResult = _service.search(tssb);
// do something here…
Do I need to do a different type of search to retrieve the time entry records with the timesheet?
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